Fjölrit RALA - 20.11.1992, Qupperneq 95

Fjölrit RALA - 20.11.1992, Qupperneq 95
87 1. VIÐAUKI. Háplöntutegundir á tilraunasvæðinu á Auðkúluheiði 1987, þekja þeirra (%) og tíðni í einstökum reitum. Tíðni er sýnd sem upphækkuð tala aftan við þekju. Stjarna (*) merkir að tegund hafi fundist innan reits en utan smáreita. Beitarhólf: L=léttbeitt, M=miðlungsbeitt, Þ=þungbeitt, FL=friðað- léttbeitt, FM=friðað-miðlungsbeitt, FÞ = friðað-þungbeitt. APPENDIX 1. Vascular plant species at the study site on Auðkúluheiði in 1987, cover (%) and frequency in individual plots. Frequency is shown as superscript following cover. An asterix (*) denotes that a species was recorded within a plot outside quadrats. Grazing intensity: L=light, M=moderate, Þ=intense, FL=light- no grazing FM=moderate-no grazing FÞ=intense-no grazing. Hólf-Grazing intenstiy _______________________________________L_________________________ Reitur-P/oí 123456789 Agrostis stolonifera Agrostis vineális 0.44 0.44 Anthoxanthum odoratum Armeria maritima 0.43 1.9® Bartsia alpina 0.63 Betula nana 7.05 7.87 Bistorta vivipara 2.29 2.010 Botrychium lunaria Calamagrostis neglecta Cardamine nymanii Cardaminopsis petraea O.l1 Carex bigelowii 1.37 0.55 Carex capillaris O.l1 O.l1 O.l1 0.31 Carex capitata Carex lachenalii Carex norvegica * O.l1 Carex rupestris 1.06 0.98 Carex vaginata 2.49 Cassiope hypnoides Ceraslium alpinum o o 4.4, 0.49 Deschampsia alpina Deschampsia flexuosa Draba incana 0.55 Draba nivalis Draba spp Dryas octopetala O.l2 Empetrum hermafroditum 8.37 7.210 Equisetum arvense O.l3 Equisetum pratense Equisetum variegatum 0.48 0.35 Euphrasia frigida Festuca richardsonii 0.710 0.510 Festuca vivipara 0.25 0.12 Galium normanii * Gentiana nivalis O.l1 Gentianella tenella O.l1 * l.O5 0.25 o.r 0.37 0.24 1.99 0.44 1.29 0.44 1.17 O.l1 1.17 * 1.98 0.32 1.48 O.l1 7.17 7.55 6.98 10.79 5.43 7.87 9.18 4.010 O.l1 2.010 1.510 1.510 1.710 O.l1 1.710 1.710 O.l1 1 0.31 0.55 l.O6 2.5® 1.93 9.210 2.55 4.06 O.l1 O.l2 * * 3.43 0.43 0.31 * 0.31 * * O.l1 * * 0.79 0.87 2.06 0.68 0.43 O.l3 0.67 0.36 0.49 O.l3 O.l3 0.98 0.36 0.48 * O.l1 * O.l1 0.31 0.6® 3.44 1.51 * * 0.93 15.210 11.710 7.510 7.18 7.67 7.710 8.510 0.24 O.l2 0.44 O.l2 o ö 0.37 0.49 0.37 0.37 0.48 O o Ö o 1.210 1.010 0.710 1.510 1.010 1.210 0.36 O.l3 0.36 O.l3 O.l1 O.l1 0.36 O.l1 O.l2 O.l2 O.l1 O.l1
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Fjölrit RALA

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