AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Side 13

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Side 13
Ljósmynd f Umhverfisráðuneytið, höfundur: Ragnar Th. Sigurðsson Sigríöur Anna Þóröardóttir, Ministér óf Kie Ei 1 Jm fmuVTiTjm flpief^si .ÉilRHnl Planning issues are very important for the general public and business- es and we all have an opinion in one way or another as to how our near environment should be planned. It is therefore very important dur- ing the planning process that the opinions of the citizens and other interested bodies are heard and that they use their right to voice an opinion. One could say that during the preparation of plans there is a dialog between the local authorities, the public and other interested bod- ies about the environment that we would like to live in. With the approval of the present planning- and building law no. 73/1997 a considerable change was made to the planning system in lceland. With the passing of this law the responsibility for the making of plans was moved to a large extent from the state to the local authorities and the State Planning Board done away with. Three types of plans were defined: regional plan, mas- ter plan and detail plan and it was also decided that plans should be drawn up for the whole of lceland. In this way all local authorities were required to have completed master plans for all areas within their juris- diction before the end of 2008. With this law a new goal for the planning process was defined i.e. to contrib- ute to sustainable development. A special planning jurisdiction cover- ing the central area of lceland was also defined and the responsibility for planning this area given to a special committee, the Collaboration Committee for the Central Highlands (samvinnunefnd miðhálendisins). The Ministry for the Environment is now working on a total review of the planning- and building law in light of experience gained from its execu- tion and new attitudes towards the making of plans and development control. Two committees are now working on this review and have been charged with the task of pro- posing what should be the respec- tive future role of the state and the local authorities in planning, particu- larly with regard to the formulation avs 3


AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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