AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Síða 19

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Síða 19
• We have to develop the planning framework that was started with the Planning and Building Law from 1997 and address better comprehensive long term planning, more effective planning and coordination of policies both between different disciplines and between levels of planning and in addition develop the democratic aspect of the planning process, environmental assessment of planning decisions and what should be done about non- compliance. • We have to further planning knowledge, professional discussion about planning, research and development work across disciplines and institutes. In our scarsely populated society it is a key issue to combine the energies of the educational- and professional institutions and others that in one way or another take part in this process. • We have to increase the part played by professional knowledge, professionals and others who take part in the planning process and the use of available resources. Planning is not just the making of local maps and covers much more than the making of a drawing. • We have to increase the knowledge and interest of the Public in planning. A key to the usefulness of plannning for society is that the p ublic becomes an active participant. To this end the public and the media have to be familiar with the issues and feel that they can have a say and enjoyment from participating. • And it is important to see to it that plans are implemented. A key issue for the credibility of the planning system, both towards the general public and the developer is that the rules are respected. The rules about how land is planned for construction are laid down in the Planning Law. It is the responsibility of the planning authorities to see to it that planning policies come to life but do not gather dust, dead and useless. And they have to be awake and show their teeth, when developers, because of disrespect or lack of knowledge of the rules, pay no attention to plans or permits. ■ Málningarþjónusta Ingimundar Einarssonar ehf © HŒF® /iTtttrflfh Hvítt hágæ&asement frá Danmörku kemur ímyndunaraflinu á flug. AALBORG WHITE' AALBORG PORTLAhD Tretjaglersslyrktur bekkur úr Aalborg WHITE, eftir Dennis Marquart BYGGT TIL FRAMTIÐAR www.aalborg-portland.is Bæjarlind 4-201 Kópavogi - Sími 545 4800 Frá hugmynd að farsælli framkvæmd! Skipulags- arkitekta- og verkfræðistofan ehf • Garðarstræti 17, • 101 R.v.k. Slmi: 561 6577 • Fax: 561 6571. • www.skipark.is. • skipark@skipark.is


AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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