AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Page 36

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Page 36
A new link in the road network of the Capital Area Ólafur Daníelsson, MS Engineering Student / Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson, Civil Engineer During the last forty years a so- called traffic model has existed for the Capital Area. This traffic model has been used to predict traffic vol- umes on the road network of this area, depending on the use of land, and the intensity of landuse. In this way the traffic model has been used to estimate future traffic volumes depending on planned future lan- duse and how this future traffic will use the existing and planned road network. What is a traffic model? The traffic model is a method of predicting traffic volumes on roads and streets in a given district. This district is divided into a number of similar areas and so-called planning numbers calculated for each area. The number of areas varies and depends on the size of the district among other factors. In the Capital Area there are there are now 236 areas but were 136 twenty years ago. Planning numbers refer to landuse, housing, industry, shop- ping, service, measured in number of people or square metres of lan- duse in each traffic area. Each area attracts or originates so much traffic which is distributed on the roads and streets of the district. The total traffic is distributed on the road network depending on travel habits, such as at what time the trips are made. Then various other factors of the traffic can be predicted like aver- age speed of vehicles, total driven distance, exhaust gases and so on. Sýnd er möguleg lega jarðgangna, sem tengir Vatnsmýrina við Vífilsstaðaveg í Garðabæ. Grunnur myndarinnar er tekinn úr riti samgönguráðuneytisins frá 2001, Tillaga stýrihóps að samgönguáætlun 2003-2014. / The pict- ure shows a possible location of a tunnel connecting Vatnsmýri in Reykjavik with Vifilstaðavegur Road in Garðabær, shown on a drawing in a “Stearing Group Proposal for a Comprehensive Transportation Plan, 2003- 2014“ published 2001 by the Ministry of Transportation.


AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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