AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Side 37

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Side 37
How is it possible to use the traffic model differently? In a given plan it is tested how dif- ferent parts of the main road net- work can handle the traffic volume. The outcome of the traffic model is then used to predict the traffic vol- ume on individual roads or links, the total driven distance, total time trav- elled, total congestion, and perhaps fuel usage and pollution from the traffic. Then the traffic can also be calculated if you change the plan. In this way it should be possible to calculate different possibilities of the town fabric like increased densities or other possibilities the planners would like to investigate. It has however been somewhat difficult to carry out such studies as the calcu- lations have taken much time and the same applies to investigating many different development possi- bilities for all the areas of the district. A new link During the last spring semester a course was held in the Engineering Department of the University of lceland on traffic models. A project connected to this course was to predict the consequences of add- ing a new link to the road network of the Capital Area without altering anything else in the planning or the road network of this area. This new link was a road connection across Skerjafjörður between Vatnsmýri in Reykjavík and Vífilsstaðavegur by Arnarnesvogur. It is however not certain if it is possible to construct this link for environmental reasons. For this reason and with reference to former studies of tunnelling costs the construction cost was estimated 2.3 billion. The cost would be higher if higher demands were made because of environmental reasons. Running costs and writeoff costs net present value roughly equal each other. The traffic model showed sav- ings because of different distribution of the traffic volume and shorter travel distance and less time and energy used in the region of 3,1 bil- lion in net present value. This result- ed in positive return on investment of 8,6%. If in addition the reduced cost, because of fewer accidents is added, it was estimated that the saving in net present value would be 4,8 billion and return on invest- ment 14,4%. Although this study was a student project and many premises taken as given, instead of being specially researched, e.g. the construction costs the conclusion indicates that this undertaking can result in considerable national eco- nomic savings. Conclusion The traffic model is a powerful instrument to calculate traffic vol- umes on the future road network. The model can also be used to investigate many choices in the development of the road system. Calculating net present value in a traditional way gives a figure that can be used to estimate the ben- efits of adding the link in question to the traffic network. Of course such a study does not answer all ques- tions but none the less it indicates that this link in the road network of the Capital Area should be studied more fully. ■ Okkar bestu jóla og nýársóskir ^1= HÉÐINN = Stórás 6*210 Garðabæ Sími: 569 2100 • Fax: 569 2101 www.hedinn.is • hedinn@hedinn.is


AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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