AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Side 44

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Side 44
Hjólastæðum við lestarstöðina í Malmö fundinn staður á flotbryggju. / Bicycle parking by the railway station in Malmo on a floating platform. Ihe bicycle as a mode oí transportation in the Capital Area Guöbjörg Lilja Erlendsdóttir, M.s.c. Civil Engineer - Traffic and safety Why should we enc- ourage the use of bicycles? The bicycle can play an important part in trips, shorter than 5 km. In the European Union project WALCYNG, which deals with the question of how the part played by pedestrians and bicyclists can be increased, it is thought that around 50% of all vehicular trips are shorter than 5 km and of these 30% shorter than 1 km. Nothing indicates that this is any different in the Capital Area. According to the Regional Plan of the Capital Area almost 700.000 vehicular trips are made in the Capital Area each day. Abroad people have discovered and accepted that traffic jams do not disappear by the building of new roads and interchanges and have therefore concentrated on action to encourage people to choose another mode of travel than the private car (mobility management). In this way not only expensive and expansive road construction can be delayed or avoided but this has also resulted in a reduction of traffic accidents. During the preceding years people have also become more aware of environmental issues. This is apparent in the policy making of local authorities and state with the Kyoto agreement and Agenda 21 and in the plans of local authorities. Bicycling creates neither traffic noise or air pollution. Increased bicycling instead of vehicular traffic therefore has positive influence on the envi- ronment, both locally and in a wider context. By cycling to and from work or school exercise becomes part of the daily routine of people. According to the calculations of the Transport Economic Institute in Norway, (Transportokonomisk institutt), the societal gain of building bicycling and pedestrian paths is many times the construction cost if environmen- tal and health gains are accounted for. Bicycling is therefore not only of benefit for the individual but also for society as a whole. The Capital Area The Capital Area of lceland is not as big as many would think. It can be seen from the drawing that accompanies this article where a circle with a 5 km radius has been drawn with a folcrum at the junction of Kringlumýrarbraut and Listabraut. 44 avs


AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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