AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Side 57

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Side 57
I destroy the nitrogen and phosphor and oxygen is added through air pipes. Finally the water is subjected to sunlight that takes part in its steri- lization. As soon as the water has passed through these “water-trees“, A it runs through different passages towards the Gavia river or to “water- trees", B. These are located in many areas of the park of different depths and shapes, amount of water and movement. “Water-trees", B are basic types, intended to be places for different pastime activities so that the public can enjoy the feel of the water. As a whole, the “water-trees“ main- tain the natural eco-system as a peaceful home for birds, insects, animals and water plants. Some 123 types of trees are planned, sheltering and providing food for the birds. In addition the lighting is controlled so that it does not pollute the wild eco-system. Solar power is used to produce electricity for low red lights that do not blind people walking through the park. Economical use of power ln the design of the public garden emphasis is put on reducing the need for natural resources, not only in íts construction but also while it is being used. The design encour- ages the use of reclaimed materials that require little energy in manufac- ture and that water and energy are economically used. To eliminate the movement of soil it is guaranteeed that all the excavated soil is used on site. Economical maintenance is also part of the design by permitting vegetation to grow freely without strict adherence to form and the choice of plants, by mixing differ- ent types depending on each area and that intended activities can add diversity to the eco-system. Toyo Ito is designing a public park where natural circulation of the water is used to produce energy while it goes through a purification process. The circulation is closed by creating different eco-systems where the concept sustainability is understood with a wider meaning than improving the environment and using energy economically. The architect interprets sustain- able design as a wider concept. It also takes into account aspects like natural resources, environment, society and the use of capital. A sustainable project not only reduces the impact on natural resources and treats the envioronment gently but also impacts society in a positive way and is also economical. ■ „Vatns-tré A er módel af grunn- mynd trés og vatns-tré B er módel af þversniði trés. / „Water-tree“, A is a model of the plan of a tree and „water-tree", B is a model of the section ofa tree.


AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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