AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Síða 65

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.12.2004, Síða 65
years and among other achieve- ments Ella has designed for the well known chain of stores, Oasis, in Britain. Her work also decorates a number of the larger companies in lceland, as well as many private homes. „The circled form is a form of joyful well-being.“ The glass is a transparent, honest material, surrounded with magic. The squared form then embraces the circle and gives the joy a sense of security," Ella Rosinkrans says about her orbs. The orbs or celestial bodies attract- ed great attention at their debut during the festival „Reykjavik cul- tural night“ in August of this year. „Ever since then they seem to have claimed a life of their own,“ the artist says. „The orbs are orbiting around the world." There is a great demand for Ella's orbs. Offers for exhibi- tions have been made from several establishments in Europe as well as in Australia. With roots in the remote West Fjords of lceland the artist has traveled widely. After her art stud- ies in lceland she went to South America's Chile where she studied art and design. She lived there and worked for years and one can sense exotic cultural waves in her work. Ella has mastered various forms of art during her career and worked, among other materials, with metal. During the last five years she has focused on glass. At the moment an exhibition of Ella's orbs can be seen in the lcelandic embassy at Strandgade in Copenhagen, the formal opening taking place recently. In addition the artist has the use of an apartment in the heart of Copenhagen where she exhibits her work by appointment. The famous garden of Tivoli in Copenhagen also offered Ella a showroom by the main entrance and that exhibition is now ongoing. Also the Café Jonas in Copenhagen has Ella's art pieces on display. „I guess I am celebrating life in my work, embracing it and seiz- ing,“ the artist says about her own work. The affect is obvious. „Carpe diem" is a clear message of the orbs - joyful creatures and earthly and heavenly forms. „Receive the light, is what I want to say in my work, but not necessarily in a reli- gious meaning," Ella says. She designs the orbs in various sizes for different spaces. The artist has great plans and has ordered a larger oven to handle greater pieces so it is obvious that the orbs are increasing their size. The oven will be the larg- est one in lceland and will enable the artist to meet the demand of larger orbs. ■


AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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