Gripla - 2022, Page 214
120. A réttarbót to Magnús lagabœtir Hákonarson’s Norwegian landslǫg;
the réttarbót is also Magnús’s, despite the heading.73
121. Cf. the Digest of Justinian 4.2.12 (Ulpian, Ad edictum 11): “nam cum
liceat, inquit, vim vi repellere...”.74
122. From Eiríkr Magnússon’s réttarbót to the Norwegian landslǫg, c.
123. Likely from the Vígslóði of Grágás; the provision here is closer in
wording to the Staðarhólsbók version (from chapter 288 in Vilhjálmur
Finsen’s edition) than to the Konungsbók version (chapter 89 in
Vilhjálmur Finsen’s edition), though it differs from both.76
125. A very similar item is attributed to the Gulaþingslǫg in a manuscript
in Árni Magnússon’s hand, AM 146 4to.77
126. From Magnús lagabœtir Hákonarson’s Norwegian landslǫg, section
4, chapter 11 (“Um uigh lysing”). A similar provision with slightly
different wording is also found in Frostaþingslǫg. section 4, chapter
7 (“Ef maðr er drepinn til dauðs”), and in the Mannhelgi section of
Járnsíða, chapter 14.78
127. The beginning of this item (until “skilia”) is attributed to the
Gulaþingslǫg in a manuscript in Árni Magnússon’s hand, AM 146
4to, where it precedes an item very similar to 125, above; it is also
found in the older Bjarkeyjarréttr.79
128. From the Baugatal in the Konungsbók version of Grágás, chapter
114 in Vilhjálmur Finsen’s edition; in Staðarhólsbók this falls under
Vígslóði, chapter 383 in the edition.80
129. From the Vígslóði of the Staðarhólsbók version of Grágás, chapter
316 in Vilhjálmur Finsen’s edition. The corresponding chapter of
Konungsbók lacks this provision, which is also absent from other
73 Cf. NGL 2, 176.
74 Iustiniani Digesta, CICiv part 2, 51.
75 Cf. NGL 3, 12.
76 Cf., respectively, Grg 2, 321 and Grg 1, 160.
77 NGL 4, p. 7; AM 146 4to, 4r.
78 Cf. NGL 2, p. 56; NGL 1, 159; and Jrn, 32.
79 NGL 4, p. 7; AM 146 4to, 4r; NGL 1, p. 310.
80 Cf. Grg 1 i, 205 and Grg 2, 404.
81 Cf. Grg 2, 349 and Grg 3, 557.