
Jökull - 01.01.2020, Blaðsíða 10

Jökull - 01.01.2020, Blaðsíða 10
Glacier extent in Iceland, 1890–2019 are published in numerous scientific papers, theses and reports, and many are not in digital format. The most complete glacier extent data sets are from the LIA maximum (here denoted with “∼1890” although the LIA maximum may have been reached earlier for some glaciers), 1945–1946, 1970–1980, ∼2000, 2007–2013, 2014, 2017 and 2019. Some glaciers have a higher number of outlines than others (see the cap- tion of Figure 12 for references). We have chosen the years with most complete glacier coverage to be included in the data set and omitted years with data covering only a single or a few glaciers. Several different definitions of a glacier exist. The GLIMS definition is as follows (Raup and Khalsa, 2010, p. 4): “A glacier or perennial snow mass, identi- fied by a single GLIMS glacier ID, consists of a body of ice and snow that is observed at the end of the melt season. . . . This includes, at a minimum, all tributaries and connected feeders that contribute ice to the main glacier, plus all debris-covered parts of it. Excluded is all exposed ground, including nunataks.” The Interna- tional Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) glossary definition (Cogley et al., 2011, p. 45) is: “A perennial mass of ice, and possibly firn and snow, originating on the land surface by the recrystalliza- tion of snow or other forms of solid precipitation and showing evidence of past or present flow.” Although the Icelandic glacier outline data set is intended for GLIMS it was not possible to fully ad- here to the GLIMS definition since the outlines are based on existing delineations of glacier margins us- ing data of many different origins. In particular, out- lines based on glacial geomorphological evidence (to delineate the maximum LIA extent) may be assumed to be closer to the IAHS rather than GLIMS defini- tion, because terminal and lateral moraines are formed in areas affected by “past or present flow” of ice. Out- lines from the map of Icelandic glaciers (Sigurðsson et al., 2017) are partly based on oblique aerial pho- tographs from several different times where an effort was made to exclude perennial and seasonal snow, thus these outlines are also closer to the IAHS than the GLIMS definition. It is a challenge to determine the glacier bound- ary for debris-covered glaciers (e.g. Paul et al., 2013), which should according to the GLIMS definition be included within the glacier polygon. The main ar- eas where debris-covered glacier snouts are no longer connected with the active glacier front are Rjúpna- brekkujökull and the outlets north of Köldukvíslar- jökull of northwestern Vatnajökull, covering 25 km2 in 2019, the north and east flowing outlets of Kverk- fjöll (northern Vatnajökull), covering 5 km2 in 2019 and Klofajökull (northern outlet of Eiríksjökull), cov- ering 2 km2 in 2019. These areas show little surface lowering in recent decades. When these debris-covered glacier parts become detached from the active glacier, flat proglacial areas characterized by sandur plains, sometimes crossed by glacier rivers, may emerge and the adjacent ice mar- gin on the inside of these can be considered the “ac- tive” margin of the glacier in question. These debris- covered parts have been delineated separately and submitted to GLIMS as polygons of debris-covered glacier. They are also delineated within the main outline of the respective glacier, as required by the GLIMS definition and are, therefore, included in the calculated glacier area reported here. We have only defined such debris-covered-glacier polygons for moraine or dead-ice fields that do not seem to be part of the active glacier and not for dirty or debris-covered glacier snouts that participate in the terminus variations and thickness changes of the re- spective glacier. Ice-cored terminus moraines and debris-covered dead-ice buried in sandur plains or completely detached and located far from the glacier are, however, not included within our glacier outline database. We have not systematically mapped such areas in the neighbourhood of glaciers in Iceland, which is beyond the scope of this work. The area of polygons showing debris-covered glacier within the glacier outlines may be subtracted from the total area of the glacier in question to obtain the area of the active glacier. This smaller glacier area may be more appropriate to use in some analyses of glacier area changes than the total area including moraine or dead-ice fields, see for example the analysis of Aðal- geirsdóttir et al. (2020) of glacier changes in Iceland since ∼1890 based on volume–area scaling. JÖKULL No. 70, 2020 7
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