Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1987, Síða 71

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1987, Síða 71
JÓANSØKUGRAS OG FORSØGULIG BÚSETING f FØROYUM 75 radiocarbon datings listed in Table 1 it is concluded that P. lanceolata reached the Faroe Islands about 2300 B.C. It is also concluded that the plant was brought to the islands by people. Another P. lanceolata horizon is at Sandur, 390 B.C. It is not certain whether this was a new settlement or a spread of the plant within the islands. Many datings of P. lanceolata are from the time about AD 700, reflecting increased human activity in the islands at this time. Jóhannes Jóhansen, dr. scient. Føroya Náttúrugripasavn Tórshavn Bókmentir Birks 1973: Past and present vegetation of the Isle of Skye. Cam- bridge. Firbas, F., 1949-52: Spát und nacheiszeit- liche Waldgeschichte Mitteleuropas nórdlich der Alpen I-II. Jena. Fægri, K., 1943: Studies on the Pleisto- cene of Western Norway. III Bømlo. — Bergens Museums Ársbok 1943. Naturvidenskabelig rekke nr. 8. Bergen. Godwin, H., 1944: Age and origin of the ’Breckland’ heaths of East Anglia. — Nature 154, 6. London. 1975: The History of the British Flora. Cambridge. Hansen, K., 1966: Vascular Plants in the Faeroes. Horizontal and Vertical Distribution. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv 24,3. København. Hornemann, I.W., 1821: Forsøg til en dansk oeconomisk Plantelære. Kø- benhavn. Iversen, Johs., 1941: Landnam i Dan- marks Stenalder. - Danm. Geol. Un- dersøg. 2. række, nr. 66. København. Jessen, K. & J. Lind, 1922-23: Det danske Markukrudts Historie. København. Jóhansen, J., 1971: A Palaeobotanical Study indicating a Previking Settle- ment in Tjørnuvík, Faroe Islands. - Fróðskaparrit 19, 147-157. Tórshavn. -, 1975: Pollen diagrams from the Shet- land and Faroe Islands. - New Phyto- logist 75. Oxford. -, 1978: The age of the introduction of Plantago lanceolata to the Shetland Islands. - Danm. Geol. Undersøg. Árbog 1976, 45-48. København. -, 1979: Cereal cultivation in Mykines, Faroe Islands AD 600. - Danm. Geol. Undersøg. Árbog 1978. Kø- benhavn. -, 1982: Vegetational development in the Faroes from 10.000 BP to the present. - Danm. Geol. Undersøg. Árbog 1981. København. -, 1985: Studies in the vegetational history of the Faroe and Shetland Islands. Annales Soc. Scient. Færoensis. Supplementum XI. Tórshavn. Meusel, H., E. Jager, S. Rauschert & E. Weinert, 1978: Vergleichende Choro- logie der zentraleuropáischen Flora. Jena. Zeist, W. van, 1964: A Palaeobotanical study of some bogs in western Britt- any (Finisterre) France. - Palaeohist- oria 10, 157.
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