Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1987, Síða 101
on the horizontal surfaces. This species was
not found in so great abundance that it
could be used as an indicator, by this sam-
pling method, on the localities investigat-
7. Conclusions
The seashore zonation found by Fletcher
(1973) and Lewis (1964), was also found in
the Faroe Islands. Following indicators are
Xeric supralittoral zone: Anaptychia fusca
Submesic supralittoral zone: Xanthoria pa-
Mesic supralittoral zone: Caloplaca marina
and Lichina confinis
Littoral fringe: Verrucaria maura
Eulittoral Zone: Verrucaria mucosa
As the seashore is strongly influenced by
guano, the lichen communities are domi-
nated by ornitocopeophilous lichens, while
the ornitocoprophobic species were not
found. Almborn (1955), Søchting &
Gjeldstrup (1985) and other Scandinavian
lichenologists treat the m.s.l. and s.s.l.
zone as one zone, but as Xantoria parietina
together with other foliose lichens invades
here, it is on the basis of these foliose li-
chens that we divide the supralittorale zone
of the Faroe Islands in a mesic supralittoral
zone and a submesic supralittoral zone.
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Knowel, M.C. 1913. The marine and maritime lichens
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Lindsay, W. L. 1867. Contribution to the lichen - flora
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Lynge, B. 1938. Et lite bidrag til Færøernes lavflora.
Nytt magasin for Naturvetenskapene 78:139-140.
Sheard, J. 1967. The zonations of lichens on three
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í tíðarskeiðinum mai 1986 vórðu gjørdar
kanningar av skónavøkstrinum á klettun-
um niðri í fjøruni.
Eins og aðrastaðni í Norðureuropa
(Degelius 1938, Sheard 1938, and Fletcher
1973a,b) vaksa skónir í fjøruni í Føroyum í
rondum, soleiðis at tær, ið tola sjógv, vaksa
niðast móti sjónum, og hinar, ið eru meira
viðkvæmar, vaksa longri burtur frá sjónum.
Niðast móti sjónum finst ein svørt rond,
ið er sermerkt av Verrucaria maura og
øðrum Verrucaria-sløgum. Oman fyri hana