Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Síða 15

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Síða 15
THE BURIAL SITE OF VIÐ KIRKJUGARÐ . . 19 Christian customs. Thus grave-goods can oc- cur in burials effected long after the society in question adopted Christianity. However, the question here is whether the grave-goods from Sandur do in fact mirror heathen burial custom. Most of the objects recovered can easily be classified as beeing of a personal nature or as belonging to the bu- ried person’s attire - the items found hardly really merit the term grave-goods at all. In attempting to establish the nature of the burials at Sandur it is natural to compare them with the burials at Tjørnuvík. The graves from both sites share many similari- ties in their construction. On the basis of the afore-mentioned ringed-pin, generally dated to the lOth century, the burial site at Tjørnu- vík is dated to the Viking Age and therefore interpreted as heathen (Dahl 1968:191; 1970:65-66)6. In reports on the site the dead are described as lying with their heads point- ing north. This is, however, only partly true, as four of the twelve graves are aligned east- west (Arge 1990:fig.ll). Although there is some variation in the alignment of Viking Age burials in the north, an east-west orien- tation is far from unusual. In this context it is interesting to note that one of the features instrumental to the in- terpretation of the Haug burial site in North- ern Norway as a heathen one, is the very varied alignment of the individual graves. In contrast, individual graves within purely Christian cemeteries all seem to be orientat- ed in the same direction - as a rule east-west - although minor variations within this alignment do occur (Sellevold 1989). These observations could support an interpretation of the site at Tjørnuvík as heathen and the site at Sandur as Christian. However, a closer study of the burial site at Haug, leads one to consider whether local topographical criteria might not in fact have dictated the siting and direction of many of the burials, as these are mainly, and quite naturally, placed parallel to the area’s con- tour lines. The same topographical consider- ations may have been actual for the location of the burials at Tjørnuvík as well as on San- dur. On the latter site, the graves seem to have been placed on the southern side of a slightly sloping deposit of shifting sand. Even though it is an established fact that the east-west alignment prevailed as a result of Christianization, the question of whether a site is heathen or Christian cannot be de- termined by orientation alone. Another feature emphasized in the evalua- tion of the Haug burial site, is the position in which the dead were buried. The supine po- sition - consisting of the body being laid out on his or her back - is almost totally dominant in Christian burials, as exempli- fied at the graveyard by the so-called Thjod- hilde’s church at Brattahlid in Ureenland. At Haug on the other hand, the bodies had been interred in a variety of positions — on their back, their front or left or right sides. Although somewhat less varied, the fact that two to three of the buried were interred in a lateral position, while the remainder had been laid on their back, may indicate that the site at Sandur was a heathen one. Another important fact is that none of the graves at Sandur overlap, but are placed end to end in rows - another feature common of Viking Age burial sites (Gráslund 1985:301). The position of the burial site in relation to the old dyke and the manner in which the dead are buried with their personal posses- sions could indicate that the site is a heathen one. On the other hand there is nothing that
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