Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Síða 148

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1991, Síða 148
152 FAROESE SPADE-CULTIVATION household for cultivation were small enough to be allow tilling by hand. In spite of a fairly clear functional similar- ity between reinavelta and ridge field cultiva- tion, their genetic histories most certainly differ. Technically, ridged fields and teigar are made by widely different processes: ploughing and the use of spade. Evidently, reinavelta must have its origin in some type of activity using spades. Possibly this was through the digging of drainage channels to improve grazing. If the turves removed were placed along one side of such a channel, grass-side down, it may have been observed, that growth was greatly furthered. A se- quence of drainage-channels may have creat- ed a reinavelta pattern. Due to conventional wisdom of grass field cultivators, the high side of the teigur would of course have had to be dug because of its lustre growth at the time of the following cultivation. Its origin is, naturally, purely hypotheti- cal, but it rests on the seemingly logical as- sumption that the ideas of the beneficial ef- fects of drainage and of turning grass-sods were accepted at the time of the origin of reinavelta. The refining of the form of the teigur and the preservation of a basically early spade-form were natural consequences. In most of northern Europe, the ridge- field systems disappeared during the 19th century with the introduction of tile drains. This was not the case with reinavelta in the Faroes where the often rather thin soils may have been an effective hindrance in the use of subterranean drains. For some time reinavelta still remained the preferred sys- tem. Literature cited: Born, C.L.U.: Syderøe Syssel i Færoe. Maalt 1791. David, J.: Spade Cultivation in Flanders Tools & Tillage Vol.Vl: 3-12. 1984. Dalsgaard, J.: Gomul fóroysk kornvelting. Oyggja- skeggi 1956. Debes, Lucas: Færoe & Færoe Reserata. (Reprint Tórs- havn 1963). Kbhvn. 1673. Effersø, R.C.: Landbruget og Husdyrbruget pá Færøer- ne. Justitsministeriet. Kbhvn. 1886. Fenton, A.: The Northern Isles: Orkney and Shetland. London 1978. Gailey, A.: Spade Tillage in South-West Ulster and North Connaught. Tools & Tillage Vol.1,4: 225-231. 1971. Hansen, L.E.: Jordbunden i Gásadalur. Unpublished manuscript. Geographical Institute. Kbhvn. 1986. Jacobsen, H.J.: Det gamle Bondesamfund. In: ’Færøer- ne’ Vol.I. Kbhvn. 1958. Joensen, Jóan Pauli: Fáróisk Folkkultur. Lund 1980. Landt, J.: Forsøg til en Beskrivelse over Færøerne. (Re- print Tórshavn 1968). Kbhvn. 1800. Patursson, J.: Tættir úr Kirkjubøar Søgu. Tórshavn 1966. Rasmussen, R.: Sær er siður á landi. (2. udgave 1985). Tórshavn 1949. Skarði, Jóhannes av: Faeroese Cultivating and Peat Spades. in ’The Spade’: 67-73. Ulster Folk Museum. Belfast. 1969. Skarði, Jóhannes av: Føroyski leypurin. Fróðskaparrit, 4.bók: 32-60. and 5.bók: 108-152. Tórshavn 1955 and 1956. Svabo, J.C.: Indberetninger fra en Rejse til Færø. 1781-82. (Printed Copenhagen 1959). Manus. Kbhvn. 1782. Sørensen, H.J.J.: Nogle Bemærkninger om Færøerne. Dansk Maanedsskrift. 1859. Tarnovius, T.: Færøers Beskrifvelser. (Faeroensia Vol.II. Copenhagen 1950). Manus. Kbhvn. 1669. Other sources: Christiansen, S., Guttesen, R., and Joensen, J.P.: ’Kornvelting í Gásadali’. Documentary film. Føroya Fornminnisavn, Tórshavn, and Geographical Insti- tute, Copenhagen. 1986. Sofus Christiansen Geografisk Centralinstitut Københavns Universitet Øster Voldgade 10 DK-1350 København K.
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