Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2001, Blaðsíða 33
Coralline Red Algae (Corallinales,
Rhodophyta) of the Faroe Islands
Koraltarar (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) í føroyskum øki.
Susse Wegeberg1, Ruth Nielsen1 and Karl Gunnarssorr
1 Botanical Museum & Library, Gothersgade 130, DK-1123 Copenhagen K, Denmark,
2 Marine Research Institute, Skúlagota 4, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland
Víðfevnandi innsavningar í Føroyum av skorpualgum
(Corallinales, Rhodophyta) hava avdúkað hesi sløg,
sum hoyra til undirættina Melobesioideae: Clathromor-
phum circumscriptum, Lithothamnion glaciale, Melobe-
sia membranacea, Phymatolithon laevigatum, P. lenor-
mandii., P. purpureum og P. tenue. Av undirættini
Lithophylloideae vórðu funnin hesi sløg: Lithophyllum
crouanii, L. incrustans, L. orbiculatum, Titanoderma
corallinae, T. laminariae og T. pustulatum, tað seinasta
við trimum viðurkendum frábrigdum: T. pustulatum
var. pustulatum, var. confine og var. macrocarpum. Eis-
ini varð koralltari, Corallina officinalis (Corallinoideae)
staðfestur. Trý av hesum sløgum og frábrigdum vórðu
funnin fyri fyrstu ferð í Føroyum. Utbreiðsla av teimum
funnu sløgunum verður samanborin við úrslitunum frá
øðrum nýligum kanningum av skorpualgum í NE
Atlantshavi (Danmark, Bretsku Oyggjunum og einum
øki í Vesturnoregi).
A study of coralline red algae, based on extensive col-
lections from the Faroe Islands, has revealed the follow-
ing species of the subfamily Melobesioideae: Clathro-
morphum circumscriptum, Lithothamnion glaciale,
Melobesia membranacea, Phymatolithon laevigatum,
P. lenormandii, P. purpureum and P. tenue. Of the sub-
family Lithophylloideae the following species were
recorded: Lithophyllum crouanii, L. incrustans, L. or-
biculatum, Titanoderma corallinae, T. laminariae and
T. pustulatum, the latter with three recognized varieties:
T. pustulatum var. pustulatum, var. confine and var.
macrocarpum. Furthermore, Corallina officinalis (Cor-
allinoideae) was observed. Three of the taxa are new re-
cords for the Faroe Isles. The distribution of the record-
ed species is discussed in relation to other recent studies
of coralline red algae in the northeastern North Atlantic,
(Denmark, the British Islands and a district in Western
Between 1994 and 1997 extensive collec-
tions were made of the marine algae and
fauna in shallow water around the Faroe Is-
lands as part of the BIOFAR project. The
aim was to produce an inventory of all the
species present.
The most comprehensive study of the
coralline red algae at the Faroe Islands was
published by Børgesen (1902). He recorded
11 crustose species identified by H. M. Fos-
lie and Corallina officinalis. A check list of
the macroalgae at the Faroe Islands, based
on collections in 1980 (Irvine, 1982), in-
cludes the coralline species reported by
Børgesen (1902) and confirms some of the
records with new observations.
This paper presents the identified taxa of
coralline red algae, observed in the exten-
sive BIOFAR collections and represents
epilithic species and larger epiphytic speci-
es. The identified species belong to the sub-
families Corallinoideae, Lithophylloideae
and Melobesioideae.
Fróðskaparrit 49. bók 2001: 37-43