Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2001, Blaðsíða 42
Fig. 1. Locations ofthe sampling stations at the Faroe
Islands, 1994-2000.
that includes a number of Faroese algae of
which some were described as new species.
A summary of the old literature on the ma-
rine algae of the Faroe Islands is included
by Børgesen (1902), and Irvine (1982).
Comprehensive studies of the marine al-
gae of the Faroe Islands took place around
1900. Simmons (1897) was the first to pub-
lish a general description of the vegetation
and listed about 125 species. At the same
time Børgesen initiated a study of the ma-
rine flora and published a preliminary list
of species new to the Faroe Islands (Børge-
sen in Børgesen and Hansen, 1896). He
collected algae in spring and summer
months in the period 1895-1900 and in
1902. In addition he obtained a collection
made by H. Jónsson in the autumn and ear-
ly winter 1897, and also studied older ma-
terial maintained at the Botanical Museum,
Copenhagen. A detailed account for 216
species of marine algae was included in
‘The Botany of the Færoes’ (Børgesen,
1902). This was supplemented with a de-
scription of the algal vegetation (Børgesen,
1904a; 1905a) commented by Børgesen
(1904b; 1905b), Porsild and Simmons
(1904) and Simmons (1905). A biogeo-
graphical survey of the marine algae of the
Arctic Sea and of the northemmost part of
the Atlantic was published by Børgesen
and Jónsson (1905).
The last major investigation of the ma-
rine algae in the area took place in the sum-
mer 1980. This was the first time collec-
tions were obtained by diving. The distrib-
ution of sublittoral algae in sheltered fjords
and sounds and at open shores were illus-
trated and 223 species of bluegreen, red,
brown and green algae recorded (Irvine,
1982; Price and Farnham, 1982; Tittley et
al., 1982). Studies were also undertaken at
selected localities by two students, Rex
(1970, unpubl. report) and Holt (1975, un-
publ. report) cited by Irvine (1982).
Information on marine algae of the Faroe
Islands has also been included in a number
of monographs e.g. Petersen (1911), Korn-
mann (1962b), Hoek (1963), Lokhorst and
Trask (1981), PrudTiomme van Reine
(1982), and Athanasiadis (1996).
This paper lists species of marine benthic
macroalgae collected in the years 1994 to