Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2001, Blaðsíða 43
2000 and identified as part of the BIOFAR
project. It also includes comments on other
species recorded for the Faroe Islands since
1897. The line drawings of seaweeds ac-
companying the paper are original illustra-
tions of Faroese algae prepared by Astrid
Material and methods
The BIOFAR collections of macroalgae
were made at 265 stations between July
1994 and August 2000. Detailed informa-
tion about date of sampling, location,
depth, and substrate for the individual sta-
tions is presented by Sørensen et al. (2001),
their locations are indicated in Fig. 1 and
Table 1. Most collections were made by the
authors during 10 visits to the Faroe Is-
lands, others were made by staff at the
Kaldbak Marine Biological Laboratory.
Algae were collected selectively by hand
at low tide in the littoral zone and by Scu-
ba-diving at sublittoral levels to 30 m
depth. Divers collected algae into hand-
nets with a 0.5 mm mesh size. A few sam-
ples were obtained by dredging between 15
and 35 m. Collections were made in all sea-
sons but less frequently during winter. An
effort was made to include collections from
a wide range of habitats. When possible the
samples were placed in running sea water
in the laboratory and dealt with while fresh.
If the collecting stations were distant from
the laboratory or the time too short, the
samples were fixed in 2% formalin-seawa-
ter. Macroscopic algae were prepared as
herbarium specimens; when required mate-
rial was also mounted in KARO® (com
symp) as permanent microscope slides.
Voucher specimens have been deposited in
the Botanical Museum Copenhagen and
duplicate collections at the Faroese Muse-
um of Natural History, Tórshavn and the
Marine Research Institute, Reykjavik, Ice-
The present list includes species of
Cyanophyceae (Nostocophyceae), Rhodo-
phyceae (Bangiophyceae), Phaeophyceae
(Fucophyceae), Xantophyceae (Tribo-
phyceae) and Chlorophyceae. The use of
class-names follows Silva et al. (1996).
Names not in current use but applied by
Simmons (1897) and in later publications
about marine algae from the Faroe Islands
are given. Author names are abbreviated
according to Brummit and Powell (1992).
For each entry there is at least one refer-
ence to a good description or illustration.
The BIOFAR stations where the species
were collected are listed, and depth distrib-
ution, month of collection and observations
of reproductive structures are noted.
In the list of excluded species are early
records of species based on misidentifica-
tions, uncertain records require confirma-
tion, and species known to be no longer
The list includes the following symbols:
*: new or previously unpublished records
for the Faroe Islands
():collection from a wide depth range.
Depth distribution: only handpicked mater-
ial included.