Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2001, Blaðsíða 154
fyri Økismenning - Center for Local and
fíegional Development, Jústabrekka 1,
P. O. Box 159, FO-700 Klaksvík.
Phone: +298 45 77 44; Fax: +298 45 77 43;
Occacional Papers
Jentoft, S. 2000. Lokalsamfunnet i fiskeriforvaltningen.
Smárit Nr. 1/2000.
Jentoft, S. 2000. Samfunnsvitenskapelig forskning pá
marin ressursforvaltning. Smárit. Nr. 2/2000.
Binkley, M. 2000. From Fishing Centre to Tourist Des-
tination. The Restructuring of Lunenburg, Nova
Scotia. Smárit Nr. 3/2000.
Binkley, M. 2000. Safety Awareness in the Nova Scotia
Deep-sea Fishery. Smárit Nr. 4/2000.
Skaptadóttir, U. D. 2000. Coping with a Changing
Economy in Northern Localities: An Icelandic Case
Study. Smárit Nr. 5/2000.
Newsletter (newsletter on local and regional develop-
ment affairs)
Hugin and Munin, vol. 1-4.
Heilsufrøðiligu Starvstovan
- Food and Environmental Agency,
Debesartrøð, FO-100 Tórshavn.
Phone: +298 31 53 00; Fax: +298 31 05 08;
Web page:
Scientific papers
Bloch, D.. Dam. M. and Olsen, J. 2000. Faroe Islands -
Progress Report on marine mammal research in
1998. North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission,
Annual Report 1999: 215-219.
Bloch. D., Dam. M. and Olsen, J. 2000. Progress Report
on marine mammal research in 1999 - Faroe Islands.
North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission, Annu-
al Report 2000 SC/11/NPR-F: 1-4.
Dam, M. and Bloch. D. 2000. Screening of mercury and
persistent organochlorine pollutants in long-finned
pilot whale (Globicephala melas) in the Faroe Is-
lands. Mar. Poll. Bull. 40: 1090-1099.
Papers of common interest
Dam, M. 2000. Fjemt - men ikke fjemt nok. Global
økologil ,1: 12-14.
Samuelsen, B. 2000. Saltur gloypubiti. Frøði 6,2: 14-16.
Samuelsen, B. 2000. Fyrstu floks saltfisk av fristum fis-
ki. Frøði 6,2: 18-19.
Landssjúkrahúsið - The Central Hospital,
FO-100 Tórshavn
Phone: +298 31 35 40;
Web page: http://www.?.fo/
Scientific papers
Bisbjerg, R. and Djurhuus, H. 2000. Pancreatitis acuta
forársaget af Ascaris lumbricoides. Ugeskrift for
Læger 162: 3730-3731.
Budtz-Jørgensen E., Grandjean P., Keiding N., White R.
and Weihe P. 2000. Benchmark dose calculasions of
methylmercury-associated neurobehavioural defi-
cits. Toxicology Letters 112-113: 193-199.
Ewald, H., Flint, T., Wang, A.G., Vang, M., Mors, O.
and Kruse, T.A. 2000. Evidence for a shared Haplo-
type on Chromosome 10q26 in Patients with Bipo-
lar Affective Disorder on the Faroe Islands. Ameri-
can Journal of Medical Genetics. Neuropsychiatric
Genetics. 96,4: 545.
Fangstrom, B., Athanasiadou, M., Begman, A., Grand-
jean, P. and Weihe, P. 2000. Levels of PCBs and hy-
doxylated PCB metabolites in blood from pregnant
Faroe Island women. Organnohalogen Compounds
48: 21-24.
Høgagarð, J.T. and Djurhuus, H. 2000. Two cases of
reterated Homer’s syndrome after lumbal epidural
block. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 44: 1021-1023.
Mors, O., Pinaud, M., Wang, A.G., Flint, T., Vang, M.,
Kmse, T., Ewald, H. and Børglum, A. 2000. A
Search for common Haplotypes on 22q in Patients
with Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder from the
Faroe Islands. Medical Joumal of Medical Genetic.
Neuropsychiatric Genetics 96,4: 554.
Nyegaard, M., Wang, A., Vang, M., Mors, O., Ewald,
H. and Kruse, T. 2000. Bipolar affective disorder
and chromosome 18q23: Ordering of DNA markers
and analysis of haplotype sharing. American Jour-
nal ofMedical Genetics 96: 547.
Steuerwald, U., Weihe, P., Jørgensen, P., Bjerve, K.,
Brock, J.. Heinzow, B., Budtz-Jørgensen, E. and
Grandjean, P. 2000. Matemal seafood diet, methyl-
mercury exposure, and neonatal neurologic func-