Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2001, Blaðsíða 149
Scientific publications
about the Faroe Islands, 2000
Vísindaritverk 2000
This list for 2000 is compiled to show the
scientific work going on within and out-
with the institutions in the Faroe Islands. It
should in this way be easier for the readers
of Fróðskaparrit to have an idea of the dif-
ferent Faroese projects the scientists are
working on and make it easier to get hold of
the papers and books. The list also includes
papers and books made by scientists out-
side the Faroese institutions, and whenever
possible, the editorial office of Fróðska-
parrit can help with the address of the au-
BioFar - BioFar, Kaldbak Marine Biological
Laboratory, FO-180 Kaldbak.
Phone: +298 31 61 11, Fax: +298 31 63 61;
Web page:
Scientific papers
Blake, J.A. and Petersen, M.E. 2000. Chapter 3. family
Fauveliopsidae Hartman, 1971.- Pp. 31 -46 in Blake,
J.A. Hilbig, B. and Valentich Scott, P. (eds.). Taxo-
nomic Atlas of the Benthic Fauna of the Santa Maria
Basin and Westem Santa Barbara Channel. Volume
7, The Annelida Part 4, Polychaeta: Flabelligeridae
to Sternaspidae. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural
History, Santa Barbara, Califomia.
Delongueville, C. and Scaillet, R. 2000. Malaco-faune
associee aux colonies de Lophelia pertusa (Lin-
naeus, 1758). Recoltes au large des Tles Feroe. No-
vapex 1: 59-69.
Delongueville, C. and Scaillet, R. 2000. Recolte de mol-
lusques marins aux Iles Feroe. Novapex 1: 9-14.
Hansen, J.G. 2000. Tardigrad-faunaen fra BIOFAR-un-
dersøgelserne - en foreløbig databehandling. Fag-
projekt. Københavns Universitet. (Student report)
Hansen, J. G., Jørgensen, A. and Kristensen, R.M. 2000.
Preliminary Studies of the Tardigrade Fauna of the
Faroe Bank. The 8'1' International Symposium on
Tardigrada. Abstract book: 39-40.
Jørgensen, A. and Kristensen, R.M. 2000. A New Tan-
archid Arthrotardigrade with Buoyant Bodies. The
8'h Internationai Symposium on Tardigrada. Ab-
stract book: 47-48.
Køie, M. 2000. Metazoan parasites of teleost fishes
from Atlantic waters off the Faroe Islands. Ophelia
52: 25-44.
Kongsrud, J.A. 2000. Flora og fauna tilknyttet stortare-
stipes (Laminaria hyperborea (Gunnerus) Foslie)
ved Færøyene. Hovedfagsoppgave i marinbiologi.
Institutt for fiskeri- og marinbiologi, Universitetet i
Kristensen, R.M. 2000. Det interstitielle dyreliv i
kalksedimenter i Atlanterhavet. 11. Danske Hav-
forskermøde. Abstract book: 75.
Petersen, M.E. 2000. A new genus of Fauveliopsidae
(Annelida: Polychaeta) with a review of its species
and redescription of some described taxa. Bulletin of
Marine Science 67.
Petersen, M.E. 2000. Chapter 11. Family Stemaspiđae
Carus 1863, including a review of described species
and comments on some points of confusion. - Pp.
311-336 in Blake, J.A. Hilbig, B. and Valentich
Scott, P. (eds.). Taxonomic Atlas of the Benthic
Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and Westem Santa
Barbara Channel. Volume 7, The Annelida Part 4,
Polychaeta: Flabelligeridae to Stemaspidae. Santa
Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara,
Tendal, O.S. 1995. Zoologisk Museum i Nordatlanten
op mod ár 2000. Præsentationer ved det 8. Danske
Havforskermøde januar 1994: 169-173.
Fróðskaparrit 49. bók 2001: 153-160