Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2001, Blaðsíða 116
Dallina septigera x 2,3 Thomsen 2001
Depth range: 145-1083 m (62 stns/83% 200-600 m),
(Helmcke, 1939a: 1000-1300 m),
Estimated average botttom temperature: 1.5-8.3°C (51
stns/68% > 6°C).
Water masses: AW (28 stns), AW/AI (40 stns), AI (2
stns), NW/AI/AW (5 stns).
Sediment: Sand (including shellsand), gravel, cobbles
and stones, the coaser fractions dominate.
Substrate: Pebbles, fragments of bivalves, other bra-
chiopod species and serpulids.
Atlantic distribution: The Canary Islands; west of Por-
tugal; northwest and southwest of Ireland; north of
Scotland; Shetland; south of Iceland; Norway
(south of Sørøya and north of Rogaland) (Wesen-
berg-Lund, 1941; Brunton and Curry, 1979; Thom-
sen and Brattegard, 1997).
Atlantic depth range: 219-1300 m (Helmcke, 1939a;
Brunton and Curry, 1979).
287, 289, 290, 297, 298, 299, 305, 307, 328, 329,
331, 332, 333, 334, 341, 344, 346, 352, 354, 358,
359, 382, 397, 400,401,411, 418,419,420,451,
452,453, 454,467,468+, 469,470,483,486, 490.
497+, 498,499, 503, 504, 507, 532, 535, 536, 698.
716, 717, 725, 726, 727,734, 747, 760.
Area: Around the Faroe Islands.
Genus Glaciarcula Elliott, 1956
Glaciarcula spitzbergensis (Davidson, 1852)
Synonyms: Terebratella spitzbergensis Davidson
(1852, 1886); Terebratalia spitzbergensis Dall
(1920); Diesthothyris spitzbergensis Thomson
(1927); Terebratella spitzbergensis Wesenberg-
Lund, (1940); Diesthothyris spitzbergensis Wesen-
Fig. 6. Macandrevia cranum