Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2001, Blaðsíða 153
Arge, S.V. and Bjarnason, G. 2000. Jordbruget og
kulturmiljøet pá Færøeme. Jordbrugslandskabets
kulturværdier - historisk udvikling, politikker og
styringsmidler. TemaNord MILJØ 2000:520. Nor-
disk Ministerrád. København: 47-66.
Mortensen, A. 2000. Hin føroyski róBrarbáturin. Sjó-
mentirføroyinga í eldri tíð. PhD thesis. The Univer-
sity of the Faroe Islands. Annales Societatis Scien-
tiarum Færoensis Supplementum XXV/.Tórshavn.
352 pp.
Føroya Jarðfrøðisavn - Faroese
geological institute, FO-188 Hoyvík.
Phorte: +298 35 70 00; Fax: +298 35 70 70 75;
e-mail:; Web page:
Scientific papers
Hummelshøj, P.. Courtney, M.S., Christiansen, H.H.,
Mortensen, L. and Humlum, O. 2000. Mountain me-
teoroløgical measurements at extreme icing condi-
tions in the Faroe Islands. Abstract on Geophysical
Research Abstracts 2. CD.ROM ISSN: 1029-7009.
Papers of common interest
Ziska, H. 2000. Jarðskjálvtamátingar í Føroyum. Frøði
6,2: 8-12.
Ziska, H. 2000. Jarðskjálvtar í íslandi 17. og 18. juni
2000. FrøBi 6,2: 13.
Føroya Náttúrugripasavn
- Faroese Museum of Natural History,
Debesartrøð, FO-100 Tórshavn.
Phone: +298 31 23 06; fax: +298 31 84 38;
Web page:
Scientific papers
Bloch, D., Dam. M. and Olsen, J. 2000. Faroe Islands -
Progress Report on marine mammal research in
1998. North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission,
Annual Report 1999: 215-219.
Bloch, D., Dam. M. and Oisen. J. 2000. Progress Report
on marine mammal research in 1999 - Faroe Islands.
North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission, Annu-
alReport 2000 SC/11/NPR-F: 1-4.
Bloch, D. and Mikkelsen, B. 2000. Preliminary esti-
mates on seasonal abundance and food consumption
of Marine Mammals in Faroese Waters. NAMMCO
WG on Marine Mammal and fisheries interactions.
Copenhagen 17-18 February 2000.
Bloch, D., Mikkelsen, B. and Ofstad, L.H. 2000. Marine
Mammals in Faroese Waters with special attention
to the south-south-eastern Sector of the region.
GEM Report to Environmental Impact Assessment
Programme: 1-26.
Bloch, D. and Ofstad, L.H. 2000. Fin whales Bal-
aenopteraphysalus in the Faroes. NAMMCO WG on
North Atlantic Fin Whales. Tórshavn, 12-14 May
2000. SC/8/FW/4: 1-14.
Dam, M. and Bloch, D. 2000. Screening of mercury and
persistent organochlorine pollutants in long-finned
pilot whale (Globicephala melas) in the Faroe Is-
lands. Mar. Poll. Bull. 40: 1090-1099.
Jensen, J.-K. and Plant, C.W. 2000. Diverging Platy-
cheirus manicatus frmales on the Faroe Islands.
Hoverfly Newsletter 30: 2-3.
Olsen, B., Jensen, J.-K. and Reinert, A. 2000. Popula-
tions of Guillemots, Razorbills and Puffins in
Faroese Waters as documented by Ringed Birds.
GEM Report, nr. C22-161-1. 33pp.
Papers of common interest
Bloch, D. 2000. At vera grindaprestur. Atlantic Review
2000, 2: 32-37.
Bloch, D. 2000. Nordatlantens rotter. Atlantic Review
2000, 1: 32-35.
Bloch, D., Jensen, J.-K., Askam, P. and Olsen, B. 2000.
Review of 1999-activities in the Faroe Islands.
Gaard, M. 2000. Ummæli: Føroysk Flora. Frøði 6,2:21-
Jensen, J.-K. 2000. Drunnhvítar uttan fitjur - ella eit-
tbeintir. Frágreiðingfrá Føroya Fuglafrøðifelag 13:
Jensen, J.-K. 2000. Havøm (Haiiaeetus albicilla) á vit-
jan í Føroyum. Frágreiðing frá Føroya
Fuglafrøðifelag 13: 9-10.
Jensen, J.-K. 2000. Ringmærkning pá Færøeme 1923-
2000. Ringmerkaren 13: 152-154.
Simonsen, M. 2000. Fuglateljingar á havinum kring
Føroyar. Frágreiðing frá Føroya Fuglafrøðifelag
13: 5-6.
Olsen, B. and Jensen, J.-K. 2000. Ringmærkning af fu-
gle i 100 ár. Atlantic Review 2000, 3: 27-31.