Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2001, Blaðsíða 110
invertebrate fauna of the Faroe Islands at
depths deeper than 100 m in order to sup-
plement and update previously published
information. A bibliography of benthic ma-
rine invertebrates of the Faroese Economic
Exclusive Zone has recently been pub-
lished by Bruntse and Tendal (2001).
Nørrevang et al. (1994) give an account
of the sampling, databases and a complete
list of sampling stations with details of lo-
cation, date, water depth, applied gear and
environmental parameters (bottom temper-
ature, water mass, bottom current velocity,
sediment etc.). This list include five sta-
tions sampled by T. Brattegard in 1983 and
13 stations sampled by T. Brattegard and J,-
A. Sneli in 1986-1987 (Brattegard and Me-
land, 1997). An overview of the benthic
temperature in the investigated area was
presented by Westerberg (1990). The main
part of the sampling took place during
1987-1990 and 1991-1993, mainly from
depths of 100-1000 m. Altogether ca. 600
localities were sampled.
Material and methods
The main part of the BIOFAR material de-
scribed in this paper was recovered by the
Faroese R/V ” Magnus Heinason” and the
Norwegian R/V "Hákon Mosby” using
benthic sampling gear (cf. Nørrevang et al.,
1994). Brachiopods were present in sam-
ples from 187 stations. They were collected
with five different gears: a heavy and stur-
dy triangular dredge (97 stns/ca. 52%), a
detritus sledge (60 stns/ca. 32%), a scallop
dredge (13 stns/ca. 7 %), a fine-meshed
Crania anomala x 2,3 Thomsen 2001
bottom trawl (10 stns/ca. 5%), and a modi-
fied Rothlisberg and Pearcy epibenthic
sampler (7 stns/ca. 4%).
The brachiopods were fixed in strongly
buffered 4% formaldehyde-seawater, later
replaced by 70% ethanol, and were prelimi-
nary sorted out from the other fauna by the
staff of the Kaldbak Marine Laboratory.
Information on each species follows the
scheme of Brattegard and Meland (1997).
Genus Crania Retzius, 1781
Crania anomala (Muller, 1776) (Fig. l)
Synonyms: Patella anomala Miiller (1776); Orbicula
norvegica Lamarck (1801).
Recent description: Brunton and Curry (1979: 26-27,
fig. 11).
Previous published records: ”Lightning”: Stn 4,
59°36'N, 7°20'W, 530 ftm; Stn 5, 59°5'N,
7°29'W, 189 ftm (Jeffreys, 1878). ”Michael Sars”:
Stn 44, 62°16'N, 5°54'W (6°06'W in stationlist),
103 m; Stn 57, 62°29'N, 5°17'W, 301 m; Stn 82,