Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2001, Blaðsíða 107
la cranium, Mliller” (now Macandrevia
cranium) from off the Faroe Islands in his
account of these expeditions. According to
the comprehensive monograph of recent
brachiopods by the British brachiopod spe-
cialist Dr. T. Davidson ”Waldheimia (Ma-
candrevia) cranium, Miiller” was dredged
many times by Jeffreys off the Faroe Is-
lands during these expeditions (Davidson,
Jeffreys (1878) also dredged the brachio-
pod ”Terebratula septata, Philippi” be-
tween Shetland and the Faroes. Davidson
(1886), however, revised Jeffreys determi-
nation of the brachiopod, referring it to
”Waldheimia septigera, Loven” (now pro-
bably Dallina septigera).
Later, Fischer and Oehlert (1891) men-
tioned the occurrence of 1. ”Terebratulina
caput-serpentis, Linne” "dans les parages
des iles Færoe”, 2. ”Magellania septigera,
Loven” dredged between the Hebrides and
the Faroes, and 3. ”Magellania (Macan-
drevia) cranium, O.-F. Miiller” also from
off the Faroes. Fischer and Oehlert based
this information on the results of the
”Lightning” and ”Porcupine” expeditions.
They also reported an inarticulate brachio-
pod, ”Crania anomala, Múller” from off
the Faroes referring to the ”Lightning” ex-
pedition (cf. Jeffreys, 1878).
Posselt, in his posthumous published pa-
per on the brachiopods and molluscs from
Greenland (Posselt, 1898) mentioned the
occurrence of three brachiopod species off
the Faroe Islands, ”Rhynchonella psittacea
(Gmelin)”, ”Terebratulina caput serpentis
(Linne)” and ”WaIdheimia cranium (Mul-
ler)”. Whereas the last two were said to be
present in the collection of the Zoological
Museum in Copenhagen, the first was 'fide
Mørch”, which means that Posselt did not
actually see it in the collections. ”W. crani-
um” (now Macandrevia cranium) was also
recorded from between the Faroe Islands
and Shetland.
Friele and Grieg (1901), Hágg (1905)
and Arndt and Grieg (1933) presented data
from important expeditions in the North
Atlantic during the period 1876-1900.
However, their records of brachiopods
from the waters surrounding the Faroe Is-
lands are merely based on previously pub-
lished material. Thus, both Friele and Grieg
(1901) and Arndt and Grieg (1933) stated
that the southern limit for the distribution
of ”Rhynchonella psittacea” (now Hemi-
thiris psittacea) was at the Faroes. This
statement was probably based on the previ-
ously mentioned record presented by
Morch (1867).
Pawsey and Davis (1924), however list-
ed two brachiopod species, "Terehratulina
caput serpentis (Linnaeus)” and "Macan-
drevia cranium (O.F. Muller)”, from two
fishery research expeditions to Lousy Bank
and adjacent areas in 1920 (S/T ”Nicholas
Dean”) and 1921 (R/V "George Bligh”).
Only a few specimens were recovered.
Helmcke (1939a) gave an account of the
comprehensive collection of Professor F.
Blockmann at the Zoological Museum in
Berlin. A specimen (No. 934) of "Dallina
septigera (Loven)” was listed as ”typen”
from deep water (1000-1300m) south of the
Faroe Islands. The paper did not, however,
give any indication of who the legistrator
was or the name of the expedition etc., but