Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2001, Blaðsíða 91
some of these records and ađd a number of
species not previously recognised in the
Our sincere thanks goes to Arne Nørrevang for his en-
thusiasm, and for making the BIOFAR programme a re-
ality. Special thanks to Grethe Bruntse, and Tor Eilif
Lein for their inspiring interest and with whom we
shared many excursions with nice experiences. Grethe
Bruntse made the map in figure 1. Thanks are also due
to staff members and friends of the Kaldbak Marinebio-
logical Laboratory, Astrid Andreasen, Gunnar Djur-
huus, Bjørki Geyti, Lena Reinert, Jan Sørensen who as-
sisted in different ways, and to a large number of Nordic
students sharing their interest for marine biology with
us. The summer 1994 when our first survey at the Faroe
Islands took place was very memorable with friendship
and support from Tyge Christensen, Havgrímur
Gaasedal and Kim Lundshøj (diver). We thank Kristín
Valsdóttir for assistance in the laboratory in Reykjavík.
Poul Møller Pedersen is thanked for help with identifi-
cation of small brown algae. Peer Corfixen is thanked
for maintaining the data-base in Copenhagen. Our
thanks are extended to Juliet Brodie and Ian Tittley who
gave valuable comments to the maunuscript and cor-
rected the English text. The BIOFAR programme was
supported financially by the Carlsberg Foundation.
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