Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2001, Blaðsíða 27
holdfast, often laciniate (appearing as if the blade is
cut into ribbons). Margins ruffled. Stipe micro-
scopic. Male gametangial and zygotosporangial
sori marginal, usually on separate individuals.
Male gametangial sori yellowish-white. Zygoto-
sporangial sori bright red, continuous or interrupt-
ed. Male gametangial blade often narrower than
zygotosporangial blade. If male gametangial and
zygotosporangial sori are present on the same indi-
vidual, then they are separated by a sharp line that
extends to the holdfast.
Herbarium specimens: brownish purple to dark purple,
sometimes with a dark green tinge.
Porphyra leucosticta Thur. in LeJoi. (Fig. l)
Reference: Bird and McLachlan (1992), Brodie and
Irvine (2002)
Stations: 1033, 1034, 1035, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1049,
1124, 1126, 1142, 1174, 1183, 1187, 1272, 1281,
1288, 1305, 1347, 1349, 1352, 1353, 1354, 1358,
1363, 1364, 1371, 1380, 1688,1720, 1722, 1723,
1738,1768, 1769, 1771, 1773,1774, 1775, 1776,
1777, 1850, 1911, 1912.
Littoral, including rockpools to shallow subtidal.
Remarks: collected in April-October. On rocks and
epiphytic on other algae, commonly on Mastocar-
pus stellatus (Stackh. in With.) Guiry in Guiry et
al., and Fucus spp., occasionally on Himanthalia
elongata (L.) Gray.
Morphology: blade one cell thick, ovate, oblong, orbic-
ular, irregular or umbilicate, often with a cordate
base. Margins usually with some ruffles. Male ga-
metangial and zygotosporangial sori on the same
blade; intermixed in separate sori, scattered along
the margins and extending towards the centre of
the blade. Male gametangial sori distinct pale yel-
lowish-white, oblong / lozenge / diamond / irregu-
lar shaped patches; sometimes merging to give a
pale margin in older individuals. Zygotosporangial
sori inconspicuous in slightly darker patches.
Herbarium specimens: purple-mauve / pinkish-mauve.
Mostly adhering well to paper.
Porphyra linearis Grev. (Fig. l)
Porphyra umbilicalis (L.) J.Agardh f. tinearis (Grev.)
Reference: Bird and McLachlan (1992).
Stations: 1046, 1347, 1352, 1356, 1357, 1358, 1380,
Upper littoral.
Remarks: collected in January-February and April-
May. Commonly intermixed with Calothrix scopu-
lorum (F.Weber & D.Mohr) C.Agardh ex Bornet &
Flahault and other blue-green algae. In May be-
coming sparse and reduced in size.
Morphology: blade one cell thick, initially ovate, be-
coming linear. Margins not or slightly ruffled.
Stipe usually distinct, up to 1 mm long. Blades up
to 22 cm long and 2 cm wide. Male gametangial
and zygotosporangial sori marginal, usually on sep-
arate individuals. Male gametangial sori pale yel-
low, zygotosporangial sori dark red.
Herbarium specimens: purple; specimens collected in
May were pale.
Porphyra miniata (C.Agardh) C.Agardh (Fig. 3)
Porphyra miniata (C.Agardh) C.Agardh f. typica
Reference: Bird and McLachlan (1992).
Stations: 1018, 1019, 1020, 1032, 1034, 1036, 1037,
1353, 1358, 1362, 1726, 1729.
Sublittoral, 0-25 m depth.
Remarks: collected in May and July.
Morphology: blade 2 cells thick, linear to broadly
ovate. Margins usually with some ruffles. Stipe in-
conspicuous. Blade divided into two sectors, one
with male gametangial and the other with zygoto-
sporangial sori. Male gametangial sector pale yel-
low towards the tip of the blade. Zygotosporangial
sector becomming pinkish-red toward the tip of the
blade. Male gametangial sector maturing before zy-
gotosporangial, eroding away, sometimes leaving
only the zygotosporangial sector, when the blade
may appear falcate.
Herbarium specimens: vivid dark-pink / magenta to
brownish pink, adhering well to paper.
Porphyra purpurea (Roth) C.Agardh (Fig. 3)
Reference: Brodie and Irvine (1997).
Stations: 1043, 1045, 1046, 1121, 1126, 1183, 1272,
1275, 1279, 1289, 1297, 1305, 1347, 1364, 1723,
1771. 1777.
Littoral to 1 m depth.
Remarks: collected in April-July and September.
Morphology: blade one cell thick, ovate, sometimes
falcate, occasionally appearing umbilicate (as with
a naval). Margins ruffled. Stipe inconspicuous.