Uppeldi og menntun - 01.07.2013, Blaðsíða 34

Uppeldi og menntun - 01.07.2013, Blaðsíða 34
Uppeldi og menntUn/icelandic JoUrnal of edUcation 22(2) 201334 leiðsögn kennaranema – stefnUr og straUmar Greinin barst tímaritinu 28 . febrúar 2013 og var samþykkt til birtingar 7 . maí 2013 UM HÖfUnDinn Ragnhildur Bjarnadóttir (rab@hi.is) er dósent í uppeldissálarfræði á Menntavísindasviði Háskóla Íslands. Hún lauk kennaraprófi frá Kennaraskóla Íslands árið 1966, kandí- datsprófi í uppeldissálarfræði frá Danmarks Lærerhøjskole árið 1989 og doktorsprófi frá Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet árið 2002. Hún hefur stundað rannsóknir á áhugamálum og námi unglinga utan skóla, á illri meðferð á börnum og unglingum á opinberum stofnunum á árunum 1945–1994 og á kennaramenntun, annars vegar á þróun starfhæfni og fagmennsku kennaranema og hins vegar á leiðsögn kennara- nema í vettvangsnámi. Mentoring preservice teachers – theoretical perspectives abstract In the past three decades many theories about mentoring student teachers and newly qualified teachers have emerged, involving new perspectives on the goals of peda- gogical mentoring. The traditional role of mentor teachers has been to instruct, advise and support student teachers in the classroom. Since the 1980s, however, the role of mentors has begun to include support for student teachers’ professional and person- al development, and the focus has shifted from adaptation to the job to the student teacher’s learning, through reflections about own actions, knowledge and values. In the new millennium the learning objectives of mentoring have been discussed and reviewed, without rejecting ideas about reflection. The methods and goals of “reflec- tion theories” are criticized for being too cognitive and individualistic; more empha- sis should be put on the personal aspect of being a teacher, as well as the social and cultural aspects of teacher learning and mentoring. Many scholars are inspired by situated learning theories and argue that knowledge is always tied to the social and cultural context in which it is learned. According to that perspective, teacher learn- ing means moving towards a new understanding and changed participation in social activities. Definitions of mentoring have been reconsidered; terms such as co-mentor- ing, collaborative mentoring and peer-mentoring reflect these changes. The aim of my study is to shed light on different perspectives of the goals of mentoring student teachers, and thereby give insight into the pedagogy of mentoring within the field of teacher education . The first step was to explore recent literature on the mentoring of student teachers, and newly qualified teachers. My conclusion was that four types of learning objectives can be defined, which now seem to be dominant in this literature. They are:
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Uppeldi og menntun

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