
Jökull - 01.12.1983, Blaðsíða 37

Jökull - 01.12.1983, Blaðsíða 37
al. (1982) and will not be discussed here, but it is tirmly stressed that the productivity of the non-rift- ing volcanism is much less than that of the rift zone volcanism. In order to compare the petrology of the Ice- landic rift zones and the ocean floors, all analysed tholeiites of the Icelandic rift zones (see Imsland in press), have been divided into two groups, contain- ing more and less than 0.2wt.% K,,C), respectively. The 0.2% value is an arbitrary choice, but a lower K20 content is a clear indication of a low incomp- atible element content, a MORB restriction. In this selection the primitive picritic cumulates ofthe Ice- landicrift zones (seeJakobssonetal. 1978) containing over ~ 10 wt.% MgO have been excluded, because of the strong effect of the picrites on the parameter of primitiveness used. These low K,,0 tholeiites are compared in Table 1, on basis of average compositions, to the average TABLE1 1 2 3 IRZ MORB OFB sío2 48.56 49.92 49.61 tío2 1.21 1.46 1.43 ai2o3 15.56 16.08 16.01 FeOtot- 10.64 9.38 11.49 MnO 0.18 0.17 0.18 MgO 8.74 7.75 7.84 CaO 12.89 11.21 11.32 Na^O 2.00 2.79 2.76 K,Ö 0.12 0.17 0.22 p2o5 0.11 0.15 0.14 Fe203/Fe0 0.32 0.19 At. Mg/Mg+Fe 0.588 0.597 0.550 No. of samples in average 96 49 94 Average composition of Icelandic and Oceanic MORB. 1) IRZ = Icelandic rift zones (Imsland in press) 2) MORB = Mid ocean ridge basalts (Hart 1976) 3) OFB = Ocean floor basalts (Cann 1971). Tajla I. Xleðaltalssamsetningar Jyrir hiðJrumsUða ba- salt aj rekbeltum Islands og úlhajshyggjanna. 1) IRZ = rekbelti íslands (Imslandíútgáju) 2)X10RB = Miðhajs- hiyggjabasatt (Hart 1976) 3) OFB = Úthajsbasalt (Cann 1971). MORB compositions reported by Cann (1971) and Hart (1976) for the ocean floor. This selection of the lcelandic rift zone tholeiites depicts a slighly lower incompatible element content than the two ocean floor MORB averages they are compared to, but an identical primitiveness, as expressed through the Mg/Mg-f Fe ratio. The average presented in the table comprises about halfof the analysed basalt samples of the rift zones in Iceland which are sampled on basis of geological knowledge of the sample locations, and equally represent all geological formations, regard- less of their volume relations. The volume relations are overwhelmingly in favour of the MORB-type. This average thus shows that in terms ofvolume the Icelandic rift zone products overwhelmingly are of the MORB-type composition. The other half of the rift zone rocks are: 1) Iess primitive, more incompatible element enriched MORB-tholeiites, which dominate this rest, 2) the incompatible element enriched relatives of the MORB, the FETI-basalts and so on, and 3) a small portion of highly evolved rocks, tholeiitic icelandit- es, icelandites, dacites and rhyolites. Various approaches and calculations have been used in the past to estimate the amount of inter- mediate and silicic rocks in Iceland. The estimates obtained range from 3 to 9% of the total volcanic production. Sigurdsson (1970) found 3% of the total postglacial production to be of intermediate and silicic composition and Thorarinsson (1967) found that only 4% of the intermediate and silicic prod- ucts in Iceland formed during postglacial time were produced in the volcanic rift zones. The other 96% are products of non-rifting volcanism. It is thus clear that only 0.12% of the rift zone production is of intermediate and silicic compositions. If the primitive MORB-type tholeiitic magma is the primary magma type of the oceanic volcanism and the parental magma to the tholeiitic rock suites, then the general increase in rock evolution, through the iron- and incompatible element enrichment of the evolved tholeiites and towards the intermediate and silicic rocks to rhyolites, apparently displays the entire evolution of the oceanic tholeiitic rock suits. The relations of the rock chemistry of indivi- dual samples to geological features, such as fissure swarms and volcano-tectonics ingeneral, are pract- ically unknown in the case of the ocean floor. In Iceland, on the other hand, it has beenshown that the magma evolution in the rift zones takes place along with volcano-tectonic evolution (Sigvaldason et JÖKULL 33. ÁR 35
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