Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1992, Page 24
15. Mageroy, bls. 35.
16. Lorens Dietrichson: De norske stavkirker. Kristiania og Kobenhavn 1892, bls. 443; Roar
Hauglid: Norske stavkirker. Dekor og utstyr. Oslo 1973, bls 181-182.
17. Dietrichson, bls. 234-236.
18. Dietrichson, bls. 228.
19. Dietrichson, bls. 233-234.
20. Roar Hauglid: Norske stavkirker. Dekor og utstyr, bls. 81-82; Martin Blindheim: Nor-
wegian romanesque decorative Sculpture 1090-1210. London 1963, bls. 20-21,40-41.
21. Roar Hauglid: Norske Slavkirker. Oslo 1969, bls. 74.
22. Mageroy, bls. 36.
23. Selma Jónsdóttir: Lýsingar í Stjórnarhandriti, Reykjavík 1971, bls. 67.
24. Martin Blindheim: Engelsk stilinnflytelse. Kulturhistorisk leksikon for nordisk middelalder
III, 638-639.
25. C.R.DodwelI: Painting in Europe 800-1200. Pelican History of Art, 1971, bls. 78-85.
Björn Th. Björnsson: Islenskt gullsmíði. Afmælisrit gefið út af skartgripaverslun Jóns
Sigmundssonar við lok hálfrar aldar starfsemi. Reykjavík 1954.
Martin Blindheim: Norwegian Romanesque Decorative Sculpture. London 1963.
Lorens Dietrichson: De norske stavkirker. Kristiania og Kobenhavn 1892.
C.R. Dodwell: Painting in Europe 800-1200. Pelican History of Art. 1971.
Roar Hauglid: Norske stavkirker. Oslo 1969.
Roar Hauglid: Norske stavkirker. Dekor og utstyr. Oslo 1973.
Kristján Eldjárn: Kuml og haugfé. Akureyri 1956.
Ellen Marie Mageroy: Planteornamentikken i islandsk treskurd I (Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana
Suppl. Vol. V), Kaupmannahöfn 1967.
Pálmi Pálsson: Um myndir af gripum í forngripasafninu. Kirkjustoðir frá Laufási. Árbók Hins
íslenzka fornleifafélags 1896, bls. 45-47.
Selma Jónsdóttir: Lýsingar í Stjórnarhandriti. Reykjavík 1976.
Skýrsla um Forngripasafn íslands í Reykjavík, II. 1867-1870, Kaupmannahöfn 1874.
Islandske annaler indtil 1578. Udg. Gustav Storm. Christiania 1888.
This article is a part of a yet unpublished longer work on the church and farm at Laufás in
Northern Iceland.
In 1866 the Reverend Björn Halldórsson at Laufás sent several items to the new National
Museum of Iceland in Reykjavík. Among those were "two carved door posts" (museum no.
Þjms. 395). The posts are equally long, 2.58 m, while other measurements are 32.5 x 7.8 cm
for one and 32.2 x 6.7 cm for the other.
These posts and their carvings have been studied by many scholars since then, from Sig-
urður Guðmundsson to Ellen Marie Mageroy.
There is evidence that the posts were used as door-posts at the church door on a turf
church built at Laufás in 1744, which was demolished in 1864. Before that they were in a timb-
er church built in 1631.
It is obvious from the carvings that the posts have initially been longer than they are now.
They have certainly belonged to an older building, a stave church.