Áramót - 01.03.1906, Page 21

Áramót - 01.03.1906, Page 21
25 Pembina-söfn........................... 3 5° Fjalla-söfn............................io 30 Garöar-söfn............................17 00 Sd. skóli Garðar-safn.................. 5 00 Frelsis- og Fríkirkju-söfn.............41 00 G. P. Thordarson, Wpg.................. 5 00 Vídalíns-söfn.......................... 4 10 Gimli-söfn............................. 8 00 Geysis-söfn............................ 5 85 Bræðra-söfn............................ 5 00 Breiöuvíkur-söfn....................... 3 45 Árnes-söfn............................. 3 75 Jón V. Thorlaksson, Wpg................ 5 00 Árdals-söfn............................ 4 45 Víkur-söfn............................. 7 00 Kvenfélag Garöar-safn.................. 5 00 Samsk. tekin aö Edinburg (Gard.-söín.) 10 70 Þingvalla-söfn......................... 1 25 St. Páls-söfn............................. 12 00 Lincoln-söfn............................... 6 00 Kvenfélag St. Páls-safn....................10 00 Vesturheims-söfn............................n 3° Selkirk-söfn...............................10 00 Þingvallanýlendu-söfn..................... 39 00 Jón V. Thorlaksson, Wpg.................... 2 50 G. S. Haller, Cuba, Nebr................... 5 00 Sd. skóli Selkirk-safn..................... 3 00 Tjaldbúðar-söfn............................ 8 40 Bandal. Fyrsta lút. safn...................20 00 Jón V. Thorlaksson, Wpg.................... 3 75 Afhent af séra R. M., úr Vatnsdals- bvgðunum í Sask......................57 60 $421 20 Reikningur þessi er réttur. Vottast, Geo. Peterson, Th. Thórarinsson, yfirskoðunarmenv



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