Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1973, Síða 117

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1973, Síða 117
RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM ing July and August 1971. Prepared for Orku- stofnun by Eysteinn Tryggvason. [Fjölr. Tulsa, Oklahoma] 1972. 59 bls. 4to. OWEN, DENIS F„ SVEN-AXEL BENGTSON. Polymorphism in the land snail Cepaea hort- ensis in Iceland. Oikos 23, 2. [Sérpr.] Kbh. 1972. Bls. 218-225, 1 mhl. 4to. PACHMAN, LUDEK. Der Titelkampf Fischer- Spasskij. Reykjavik 1972. Sámtliche Partien des Weltmeisterchaftskampfes kommentiert von Grossmeister * * * Herausgeber: Dr. Wer- ncr Lauterbach. Diisseldorf 1972. (1). 75 bls. 8vo. PÁLSSON, HERMANN. Art and ethics in Hrafn- kel’s Saga. Cover hy Poul Breuning. Kbh. 1971. 83 bls. 8vo. PEDERSEN, FOLMER. Populære motorrejser med og uden camping. Hefte 11. Islandsrejser. Fly — kil — skib. Kbh. 1971. 94 bls. 8vo. PÉTURSSON, HANNES. Inre land. Översátt- ning: Ingegerd Fries. [Fjölr. Sí. 1969]. (52) bls. 4to. PHILIPSON, G. N. Further studies on lakes of the Arnarvatnsheidi. [Reprinted from British Schools Exploring Society report 1971 -1972]. Bls.85-102. 8vo. — Studies on a lake and a pond on the Arnar- vatnsheidi. [Reprinted from British Schools Exploring Society Report 1969-1971]. Sl. [1971]. (1), 144.-158. bls. 8vo. — Studies on a small lake and a pond on the Arnarvatnsheidi, West-Central Iceland. With 3 figures and 8 tables in the text. Verh. Inter- nat. Verein. Limnol. 18. [Sérpr.] Stuttgart 1972. (1), 312.-319. bls. 8vo. POHL, FREDERICK J. The Viking settlements of North America. N. Y. 1972. XII, 339 bls. 8vo. PROTOKOL fra den 35. nordiske telekonference i Reykjavik 24.-27. august 1971. [Fjölr. Rvík 1971]. (4), 341 bls. 4to. PÖRTNER, RUDOLF. Die Wikinger Saga. 3. Auflage. Diisseldorf. Wien 1971. 455 bls., 10 mbl. 8vo. QUEST FOR AMERICA, THE. Geoffrey Ashe, Thor Heyerdahl, Helge Ingstad, J. V. Luce, Betty J. Meggers, Birgitta L. Wallace. London 1971. (6), 298 bls. 8vo. QUINN, DAVID B. North American discovery 117 circa 1000-1612. Edited by * * * Columbia, S. C. 1971. XLVI, (1), 324 bls. 8vo. RANKE, FRIEDRICH. Kleinere Schriften. Her- ausgegebcn von Heinz Rupp und Eduard Stu- der. Bibliotheca Germanica. Handbiicher, Text? und Monographien aus dem Gebiete der germanischen Philologie. 12. Bern und Mun- ch n 1971. 444 bls. 8vo. REYKJAVIK HARBOUR. Regulations for . . . Rvík 1971. 30 bls. 8vo. REYKJAVIK, ICELAND. Toastmaster town of the month. The Toastmaster. For better listen- ing, thinking, speaking. Official Publication to Toastmaster International, Inc. Volume 29. Number 1. [Úrtak]. Santa Ana, Calif. 1963. BIs. 18. 8vo. RHEUMATOID FACTOR IN ICELAND (I). Pcpulation studies cf Rheumatoid Factor in Iceland, by J. [Þorsteinsson] Thorsteinsson, N. Sigfússon, O. Olafsson, A. Kolbeinsson, O. J. Björnsscn, E. Allander. The Icelandic Heart Association. [Fjölr. Rvík] 1971. (3), 26 bls. 4to. ROBERTS, RICHARD with HAROLD C. SCHONBERG, AL HOROWITZ and SAMU- EL RESHEVSKY. Fischer / Spassky. The New York Times report on the chess match of the century. A New York Times Book. 4th printing. N. Y. 1972. (4), 218 bls. 8vo. SAMARBETSÖVERENSKOMMELSE mellan Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge och Sverige. Sártnck ur Rbhg 1 saml. nr. 154. Bilaga. Sth. 1962. 6 bls. 8vo. SAMBAND. Samband of Iceland. Advertising Agency Torfi Jónsson. Rvík [1972]. (26) bls. Grbr. SAMBAND ÍSLENZKRA SAMVINNUFÉLAGA. Federation of Iceland Co-operative Societies. Annual Report 1970. (69th year). [Rvík 1971]. 16 bls. 4to. SAMVINNUTRYGGINGAR. Mutual Insurance Company. Andvaka. Mutual Life Ins. Ccmp- any. Accounts 1970. Rvík [1971]. 15, (1) bls. 8vo. SCHACH, PAUL. An Anglo-Saxon custom in Tristrams saga? Reprinted from Scandinavian Studies 42. N. Y. 1970. (1), 430.-437. bls. 8vo. — Arrow-Odd: A medieval novel. [Ritd. Sérpr.]
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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