Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1973, Qupperneq 119

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1973, Qupperneq 119
RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM 119 from Nordisk Medicinhistorisk Árbok 1971. Vaxjö 1972. 16 bls. 8vo. STEIN-WILKESHUIS, M. W. Het kind in de Oudijslandse samenleving. Groningen 1970. VI, 112 bls., 6 mbl. 8vo. STURLUNGA SAGA. Volume I. The saga of Hvamm-Sturla and The saga of the Icelanders. Translated from the Old Icelandic by Julia H. McGrew. Introduction by R. George Thomas. The Library of Scandinavian Literature. Volume 9. N. Y. 1970. 476, (2) bls., 2 uppdr. 8vo. SVEINSSON, EINAR ÓL. Njáls saga: A literary masterpice. Edited and translated by Paul Schach. With an introduction by E. O. G. Turville-Petre. Lincoln, Neb. 1971. XVII, (1), 210 bls. 8vo. SYNGE, URSULA. Weland, smith of the gods. Illustrations by Charles Keeping. London 1972. 94 bls. 8vo. [SÆMUNDAR EDDA]. The Poetic Edda. Volume I. Heroic poems. Edited with trans- lation, introduction and commentary by Ursula Dronke. Oxford 1969. XVI, 251, (1) bls., 2 mbl. 8vo. TAGLIAVINI, CARLO. Panorama di storia della filologia germanica, con 65 figure nel testo e 1 tav. f. t. Bologna 1968. XV, 231 bls., 1 mbl. 8vo. TEITSSON, BJÖRN og MAGNÚS STEFÁNS- SON. Islandsk ödegardsforskning. [Sérpr. Kbh. 1972]. (1), 113.-148. bls. 4to. THIS MONTH IN ICELAND. A monthly winter issue of: This week in Iceland. Vol. 1. Publ- isher: Hrafnar sf. Editor: Mikael Magnússon. Rvík 1971. 5 nos. 4to. THIS WEEK IN ICELAND. Vol. 4. Publisher: Hrafnar sf. Editor: Mikael Magnússon. Associ- ate Editor: Rosanne M. Reynders. Rvík 1971. 13 nos. 4to. TOYNE, S. M. The Scandinavians in history. With a foreword by G. M. Trcvelvan. Reissued. Port Washington, N. Y. / London 1970. 352 bls., 8 mbl. 8vo. TREECE, HENRY. The Buming of Njal. Drawings by Bemard Blatch. (New edition). London 1972. 191 bls. 8vo. TREFALL, H. and R. R. BROWN. Report on balloon flights from northem Norway and Ice- land 1971. Reprinted from SPARMO-Bulletin, Vol. V, No. 1. [Fjölr.] 1972. (1), 17.-33. bls. 4to. TRYGGING LTD., Reykjavík, Iceland. Accounts 1970. 20th Year of Business. [Rvík 1971]. (6) bls. 8vo. TRYGGVASON, EYSTEINN. Measurements of crustal movement in Iceland. Tulsa, Okl. 1971. 124 bls. 4to. ÚTVEGSBANKI ÍSLANDS. The Fisheries Bank of Iceland. Annual report and accounts 1970. Rvík [1971]. (2), 59, (3) bls. 4to. VARANGIAN PROBLEMS. Scando-Slavica. Supplementum I. Report cn the first inter- national symposium on the theme „The East- ern Connections of the Nordic Peoples in the Viking Period and Early Middle Ages“. Moes- gaard - University of Aarhus 7th—llth Octo- ber 1968. Kbh. 1970. 216 bls. 8vo. VASARI, YRJÖ. The history of the vegetation of Iceland during the Holocene. Reprinted from Acta Univ. Oul. A 3. 1972. Geol. 1. Oulu 1972. (1), 239.-252. bls. 8vo. VÍDALÍN, ARNGRIMUR THORKILSSON. Den Tredje Part af Det saa kaldede Grpnlands Beskrivelse. Udgivet af Det grpnlandske Sel- skab i anledning af 250-Sret for Hans Egedes udrejse til GrOnland med inledning og kom- mentarer ved Finn Gad. Det grpnlandske Sel- skabs skrifter XXI. Kbh. 1971. 125, (1) bls. 8vo. VÍGA-GLÚM’S SAGA and THE STORY OF ÖGMUND DYTT. (Ögmundar þáttr Dytts). Translated from the Old Icelandic with in- troductions by Lee M. Hollander. The Library of Scandinavian Literature. Volume 14. N. Y. 1972. 143, (1) bls. 8vo. VIKING CONGRESS, SIXTH. Proceeding of the Rvík [1971]. (8) bls. 8vo. VORGESCHICHTLICHE HEILIGTUMER und Opferplatze in Mittel- und Ncrdeuropa. Bericht iiber ein Symposium in Reinhausen bei Göttingen in der Zeit vom 14. bis 16. Oktober 1968. Herausgegeben von Herbert Jankuhn. Mit 21 Tafeln und zahlreichen Abbildungen. Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissen- schaften in Göttingen. Philologisch-historische KJasse. Dritte Folge. Nr. 74. Göttingen 1970, 319, (1) bls., 11 mbl, 8vo,
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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