Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1973, Side 120

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1973, Side 120
120 RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM WADHAMS, P. Measurement of -wave attenuation in pack ice by inverted echo sounding. Re- printed from Sea Ice Conference Proceedings, Reykjavík. Sl. 1972. 6 bls. 4to. WALKER, J. S. Report on the Hecla Island ex- propriation. Inquiry. [Fjölr.] Sl. 1971. (2), 79 bls. 4to. WARD, PETER L. New interpretation of the geology of Iceland. Geological Society of America. Bulletin, v. 82, 8 figs. [Sérpr. N. Y.] 1971. Bls. 2991-3012. 8vo. WAX, ROSALIE H. Magic, fate & history. The changing ethos of the Vikings. Lawrence, Kan. 1959. 186, (12) bls., 12 mbl. 8vo. WEBB. RICHARD. Vegetation cover on Icelandic thúfur. Acta botanica Islandica. Tímarit um íslenzka grasafræði. 1. Reprint. Rvík 1972. (2), 51.-60., (2) bls. 8vo. WEBER, GERD WOLFGANG. Wyrd. Studien zum Schicksalsbegriff der altenglischen und altnordischen Literatur. Frankfurter Beitrage zur Gernianistik. Band 8. Bad Homburg v. d. H. 1969. 175 bls. 8vo. ... Uppsala 3-10 August. Bonás, Dalama 10- 12 August 1969. Edited by Peter Foote and Dag Strömbáck. Uppsala 1971. 114 bls., 2 mbl., 2 uppdr. 8vo. [VIKTORS SAGA OK BLÁVUS]. Saga af Viktor ok Blavus. An English edition and translation by Allen H. Chappel. Janua linguarum. Studia memoriae Nicolai van Wijk dedicata. Series practica 88. The Hague 1972. 113, (1) bls., 1 mbl. 4to. VILHJÁLMSSON, THOR. Hurtigt, hurtigt, sagde fuglen. Oversat af Alf Grostpl. Omslag af Erik Sprensen pá grundlag af maleri af Giancarlo Carloni. Árhus 1971. 239 bls. 8vo. VIRKIR. Associated Engineering Consultants Ltd. Rvík ál. 10 bls. 4to. VÍSINDAFÉLAG ÍSLENDINGA (Societas sci- entiarum Islandica). Important new books. WELCOME TO ICELAND. Iceland Defense Force unofficial guide. Published by Frost- Fire. Editor: Junc Papin. [Offsetpr.] Keflavik Airport 1971. No. 1. (1), 30 bls. 4to. WILLIAMS, RICHARD S. Satellite geological and geophysical remote sensing of Iceland. Summary. Reprint. [Fjölr.] Ann Arbor, Mich. 1972. 3 bls. 4to. — JR. IV. Terrestrial remote sensing: Applications of thermal infrared scanners to the geological sciences. Reprinted from ISA Transducer Compendium, part 3. Instrument Society of America. Pittsburgh, Pa. (1972). Bls. 219-23o. WREN, GEORGE R. The health system of Ice- land. A brief description and some impress- ions. Health Administration Program. (Occas- ion Publication No. 5). [Fjölr.] Atlanta, Ga. 1971. (2), 35 bls. 4to. [ÞÓRARINSSON], THORARINSSON, S., Dr. Volcanoes of Iceland. Islands vulkaner. Die Vulkane Islands. Text: * * * Norsk over- settelse: Ivar Eskeland. English Translation: Pétur Kidson Karlsson. ííbersetzung: Baldur Ingólfsson. Rvík [1971]. (20) bls. 8vo. [ÞÓRÐARSON]. THORDARSON, AGNAR. Die dief. (Vertaling Theo Hofman) . Avenue Literair. [Amsterdam 1972. ÚrtakL Bls. 232- 234. 4to. [ÞORSTEINS ÞÁTTUR STANGARHÖGGS]. Prica o izbatinanom Torsteinu. Islandska srednjovjekovna prica. Priredila: Dora Macek. [Sérpr. Ljóspr.] Republika: XXVIII. Zagreb 1972. (1), 1010.-1017. bls. 8vo.
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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