Fréttablaðið - 24.02.2008, Page 54

Fréttablaðið - 24.02.2008, Page 54
ATVINNA 24. febrúar 2008 SUNNUDAGUR2416 Framkvæmdastjóri Stúdentaráð Háskóla Íslands (SHÍ) auglýsir stöðu framkvæmdastjóra SHÍ fyrir starfsárið 2008-2009 lausa til umsóknar. Framkvæmdastjóri skal hafa yfi rumsjón með bókhaldi og fjármálum ráðsins ásamt daglegum rekstri skrifstofu SHÍ auk annarra tilfallandi starfa í samráði við formann. Æskilegt er að framkvæmdastjóri SHÍ uppfylli eftifarandi hæfnisskilyrði: • Góð þekking, innsýn og áhugi á SHÍ og málefnum stúdenta. • Þekking á málefnum Lánasjóðs íslenskra námsmanna. • Þekking og reynsla á fjármálum og bókhaldi. • Hæfi leiki til að vinna með Stúdentaráðsliðum og öðrum hagsmunaaðilum ráðsins. • Frumkvæði og geta til að starfa sjálfstætt. • Sköpunargáfa og frjótt ímyndunarafl . Framkvæmdastjóri SHÍ er ráðinn í 100% stöðu til eins árs í senn. Laun hans fara eftir kjarasamningum VR og SA um skrifstofufólk eftir 3. ár í starfsgrein. Nánari upplýsingar um starfi ð má fá hjá formanni SHÍ í síma 570-0850. Umsókn skal skila skrifl ega ásamt ítarlegri ferilskrá merkt ,,Framkvæmdastjóri 2008-2009“ til: Stúdentaráðs Háskóla Íslands Háskólatorgi. 101 Reykjavík eða í tölvupósti á netfang ráðsins: Umsóknafrestur er til og með 9. mars 2008. Mobile handset developer Responsibilities: • The Mobile handset development expert is to be involved in all aspects of software development on mobile handset platforms • To be involved in design of the company’s future mobile platforms • To analyze and design software solutions based on business requirements • To work with the companies various mobile development teams Requirements: • BSc or MSc degree in IT or Engineering fi eld • 3+ years experience in software development for mobile platforms (J2ME, Windows Mobile, Symbian) • Experience in software project management and design • Experience in other web and/or telecoms software development • Excellent English written and verbal communication skills • Excellent time management prioritization/organizational skills Java software engineer Responsibilities: • The Java Developer is to be responsible for programming and project management for Vyke. • To analyze and design software solutions based on business requirements • To work with the companies various mobile development teams Requirements: • BSc or MSc degree in IT or Engineering fi eld • 3+ years experience in Java programming and/or telecoms software development • Experience in software project management and design • Experience in other web and/or telecoms software development • Excellent English written and verbal communication skills • Excellent time management prioritization/organizational skills • Experience using JSF, Spring Framework and openCMS a big advantage Interested candidates are invited to e-mail with a comprehensive resume not later than March 8th 2007 to: For more information, please visit or Communications PLC (VYKE.L) is a fast growing company, publicly listed in London UK. Vyke offi ces and subsidiaries around the world include its headquarters in Oslo Norway, KL Malaysia, Austin and Irving Texas USA and Reykjavík Iceland. Formed in 2004 and expanding via organic and acquisition-based growth, Vyke’s key competitive edge is based on the following technology and expertise: • VoIP based communication systems • Mobile handset technology • Wholesale carrier network management



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