Sjómannablaðið Víkingur


Sjómannablaðið Víkingur - 01.02.1987, Page 29

Sjómannablaðið Víkingur - 01.02.1987, Page 29
□ A superb product under constant development to meet the customers needs. □ A hydraulic system which employs pressures up to 50 kp/cm2. □ More than 8,000 sets oí deck machinery to all manner oí vessels coníirms the reliability. □ Easy handling and the robust construction along with poweríul pulling make our customers satisíied! For íurther iníormation: Norwinch A.S N-5220 Hagavik, Bergen - Norway Telephone: (47 5) 30 80 20 Teleíax: (47 5) 30 82 41 CÐ Íí oÖ 2 Telex: 40554 Frysting sjávarafurða Saltfiskverkun Skreiðarverkun. ISHÚSFÉLAG ÍSFIRÐINGA Eyrargata 2—4. P.O.Box 122 — Sími 94-3870, ísafirði. — Símnefni: ÍSHÚSFÉLAG


Sjómannablaðið Víkingur

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