

Ægir - 01.11.1982, Page 54

Ægir - 01.11.1982, Page 54
Útfluttar sjávarafurðir í Frvstar afurðir Sahaðar afurðir ísaða Nr. Lönd Magn Verðmæti Magn Verðmœti Magn lestir þús.kr. lestir þús.kr. lestir í ágúst: 3 Bandaríkin 2.669 98.122 24 750 147 4 Belgía 214 3.290 2 72 — 5 Bretland 1.496 42.011 18 377 1.850 7 Danmörk 94 3.437 3 14 — 8 Finnland 320 294 — — — 9 Frakkland 523 12.548 16 514 — 10 Færeyjar 3 69 — — 1.629 11 Grikkland — — 1.107 30.857 — 12 Holland 16 171 — — — 14 Ítalía — — — — — 17 Noregur — — 26 85 — 17 Luxemborg — — — — 2 21 Sovétríkin 793 12.648 — — — 22 Spánn 17 185 1.210 35.766 — 23 Sviss 3 1.192 — — — 24 Svíþjóð 39 1.223 28 814 — 26 Ungverjaland — — — — — 27 Vestur-Þýskaland 320 6.459 28 613 308 28 Önnur Ameríkulönd — — 36 849 — 29 Afríka — — 25 472 — 30 Asía 2.414 47.595 — — — 31 Ástralía — — 16 656 — 32 Önnurlönd 75 793 — — — Samtals 8.996 230.037 2.539 71.839 3.936 Samtals 1981 5.976 111.099 1.568 29.516 4.096 Janúar—ágúst 1982: 2 Austurríki — — — — — 3 Bandaríkin 39.985 1.138.524 214 5.086 1.255 4 Belgía 753 10.976 26 624 15 5 Bretland 13.123 268.280 91 2.013 8.077 7 Danmörk 769 21.510 483 9.866 52 8 Finnland 702 637 1.322 18.820 — 9 Frakkland 2.713 52.623 1.746 32.242 20 10 Færeyjar 3 69 — — 2.489 11 Grikkland 5 68 3.641 76.746 — 12 Holland 109 1.804 — — — 13 Írland — — 7 117 — 14 Ítalía — — 1.274 33.131 — 16 Noregur 64 1.076 33 107 — 17 Luxemborg 6 431 54 1.449 74 18 Pólland — — — — — 19 Portúgal 1 60 22.117 581.674 — 21 Sovétríkin 18.992 278.289 13.717 150.993 — 22 Spánn 51 648 5.356 146.015 — 23 Sviss 45 8.042 — — — 24 Svíþjóð 164 6.233 2.365 30.610 — 25 Tékkóslóvakía 920 5.345 — — — 26 Ungverjaland — — — — — 27 Vestur-Þýskaland 3.553 52.212 895 18.672 6.592 28 Önnur Ameríkulönd 17 966 286 6.517 — 29 Afríka — — 106 1.816 — 30 Asía 6.606 88.764 65 960 — 31 Ástralía — — 32 1.179 — 32 Önnur lönd 130 1.309 84 1.746 — Samtals 88.711 1.937.866 53.914 1.120.383 18.574 Samtals 1981 87.981 1.319.419 62.517 906.850 20.854 3.169 21.623 9.745 53 2.438 37.028 17.865 22.952 142 75.777 338 122 13.923 1.463 48.402 163.119 107.996 614 —ÆGIR



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