Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 01.01.1962, Page 46
bringing greetings in person to former students of the Uni-
At the University of California we are mindful of Iceland
and of its great cultural heritage extending over a millenium.
Our Scandinavian Department is competent in the Icelandic
language and is thoroughly familiar with the country’s litera-
ture. Professor Emeritus Arthur Brodeur, founder of the De-
partment, is a well-known folklorist and an authority on the
Eddas. Since 1937, Professor Eric Bellquist of our Department
of Political Science has offered a course on the government
and politics of the Scandinavian countries in which due atten-
tion is given to the Republic of Iceland.
Truly, there are many ties that bind us together, Republic
to Republic and University to University.
Both of our universities are young. The University of Cali-
fornia will be celebrating its hundredth anniversary in 1968.
Just as we take pride in the contributions our University has
been able to make to human enlightenment and human wel-
fare in its span of life, so we prize the contributions of the
University of Iceland during its fifty years.
I am very pleased to have the honor of representing the
University of California and in speaking on behalf of the uni-
versities of my country in bringing greetings and felicitations
to the University of Iceland on its 50th birthday.
Prófessor, dr. G. TurviUe-Petre, Oxford University:
Herra forseti Islands, háttvirta forsetafrú, herra rektor há-
skólans, kæru starfsbræður og vinir.
Ég ber kveðju og heiliaóskir frá háskólanum í Oxford og
frá öðrum háskólum í Stóra-Bretlandi, sérstaklega vil ég nefna
háskólana í Edinborg og Wales, er hafa sent fulltrúa sína hing-
að í dag.
Rétt þykir mér við þetta minnisverða tækifæri að minnast
nokkurra þeirra íslenzkra fræðimanna, er dvalið hafa langdvöl-
um og starfað við brezka háskóla. Mér detta fyrst í hug Eiríkur