Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 01.01.1962, Page 57
til fyrstu háskólavista Islendinga erlendis og minnir oss á
mátt bókarinnar, er aldrei þrýtur — jafnvel ekki í skiptum við
Ég þakka stúdentaráði háskólans vinsamlegar kveðjur og
góða gjöf, er háskólaráð metur mikils og þá ræktarsemi, er
hún lýsir, en það er meginstyrkur háskóla vors, hversu náin
og ánægjuleg skiptin eru milli stúdenta og kennara.
I would like to thank all representatives of foreign univer-
sities for their most cordial greetings and good wishes and for
their highly appreciated gifts. Most of the universities repre-
sented at our celebrations are much older than our institution
and to the youngster as our University may be termed it is
of paramount interest to have the blessings and good wishes
of the older and much more experienced scientific institutions.
We are very grateful that you have found it possible to pay
a visit to our University at this inconvenient time of the year.
Our University is a national institution, and at the same time
an international one — because science will always be universal.
We realize how very much we owe to influences from abroad
and are fully aware of the perils of cultural isolation. Our
isolation through the centuries is now definitely broken. Our
ties with universities abroad are rapidly increasing to our great
benefit. We are very pleased to see students from abroad in
an increasing number at our University. We have found out
that about one in three of our university graduates gets his
academic education at foreign universities and scientific insti-
tutions. Allmost all the universities represented at our cele-
bration have some alumnae in our country, who look upon
their alma mater as a fostermother. These are truly strong
ties between us, and we sincerely hope that these ties will
strengthen in the time to come. May I extend the most cordial
wishes to all of you and to the institutions you represent.
We sincerely wish you peace and prosperity, and great and
rnagnificent results in the scientific and educational field which
bind all of us. Thank you very much.
Þessari afmælishátíð er senn lokið. Ég þakka öllum þeim, er