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1 It is not a universal principle, however, as studies
have shown, that formal assignment may take prece-
dence over the principle: Preserve gender (Corbett
2 When referring to a human, the noun is feminine ein
modell ‘a model’.
3 There are only three masculine nouns (two actually)
with word fínal -a, babba, pabba ‘father’ and harra
‘sir.’ Note that this speaks in favor of SAR » MAR
» PAR as -a should be associated with the feminine
or neuter, as in native kona-í. ‘woman’ and native
eyga-n. ‘eye’.
4 An anonymous reviewer has pointed out that in
his/her language buffe is feminine. That is a pos-
sibility. I think it is neuter, so the noun is, as seen, in
a transition period.
5 This noun is in a transition period. All three genders
are found.