Árbók Tannlæknafélags Íslands - 01.01.1975, Page 72

Árbók Tannlæknafélags Íslands - 01.01.1975, Page 72
TANNLÆKNAR! RITTER UNIT 180 Pi»ol point adjuttmenl knoba Control Panel Quadra-Flo Arm pívot polnt Inatrumanl Panel Quadra-Flo Arm plyol point Fold-a-way Footreat Aaalatant’a Inatrumantation Cantar Cuapldor/Cirpflltar Ramote eontrot and Indicalor llght tor MVE Saliva Ejector Foot Conlrol Coolant Water Control HVE Tublng Eacluahre Artjcuiatlng Headreat Ouadra-Flo Arm / pWot point / Stalnless ateel tray instrument Head .. verticat adjustmant Optionai Hydrocoltold Qulck Olsconnects Quadra-Flo Arm pivot pofnt Ritter Vega Chair ”'Z\' ÞJÓNUSTA VARAHLUTIR Einkaumboð: Ifemediahf. Miðstræti 12. Sími 27511 Pósthólf 451 Reykjavik 70


Árbók Tannlæknafélags Íslands

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