Árdís - 01.01.1963, Blaðsíða 17

Árdís - 01.01.1963, Blaðsíða 17
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 15 Our First Camping Season INGIBJORG J. OLAFSSON A friend of mine brought me a real treasure the other day; a Scrap Book containing all the information about the first oamp sponsored by the Lutheran Women’s League 1939. It was held in rented quarters owned by the Canadian Sunday School Mission. The stafl consisted of the following: Camp Manager Dean_________ Rev. Sigurdur Olafsson Rev. Egil H. Fafnis Dean of Men____________________ Arni Sveinson of Glenboro, Man. Dean of Women______Miss K. L. Skulason and Mrs. S. Sigurgeirsson Camp Mother_____________________________________ Mrs. S. Olafsson Registrar___________________________________ Mrs. H. F. Danielson Dining Room Hostess_________________________ Mrs. Finnur Johnson Nurse ______________________________________ Miss Emily Bardal Organists __________________Arni Sveinson and Olive Oddleifson Swimming and Pliysical Instructor _________________ Harry Miller Cooks _____________ Miss Petra Jonasson and Miss Runa Jonasson Assistant Cook _________________________________ Rose Bjarnason. This was a course in Leadership Training; all the campers were above Confirmation age except three, who were to be confirmed the following year. The course lasted twelve days, opening on a Saturday morning. The services on the two Sundays were largely attended by people from the community. These were conducted by the Dean, Rev. E. H. Fafnis. The first Sunday the sermon was preached by the camp manager, Rev. S. Olafsson, and the second Sunday the President of Synod, Rev. K. K. Olafson gave the mes- sage. The singing was led by a choir directed by Rev. Fafnis. The course consisted of planned lectures given each morning. All the ministers of the Icelandic Synod took part, giving one lecture each; and lectures were also given by four ladies and one layman. Topics dealt with were:
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