Árdís - 01.01.1963, Page 25

Árdís - 01.01.1963, Page 25
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 23 The choruses from Felix Mendelssohn’s “Elijah”, which have been sung in the Christian service are “Lift up Your Heads”, “Be Not Afraid”, “O Rest in the Lord”, and “He Watching over Israel”. Among others of his compositions, which have been favorites throughout the years are “How Lovely are Thy Messengers”, and “I Waited for the Lord”. Arthur Sullivan composed a number of anthems for church service, notably, “O Gladsome Light”, and “I Will Sing of Thy Power, O Lord”. He wrote that inspiring hymn, “Onward, Chris- tian Soldiers”. “Praise Ye The Father”, and “Send out Thy Light” from the compositions of C. F. Guonod have been sung throughout the years as well as “The King of Love My Shepherd Is”, for soprano solo. There is a wealth of music from which to choose, Haydn, Dvorak, Mozart, Sibelius, Tchaikovsky, Goss, Barnby, Grieg, Thi- man, Arensky, Quilter and many others hold a revered place in the musical repertoire of the church and have given immeasurable inspiration, through their compositions, in the Divine service. Winnipeg composers have also written a number of anthems and solos for church service, among them Mr. S. K. Hall, who for many years was organist at First Lutheran Church. His “My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me”, and “Láttu Guðs Hönd”, for soprano solo and chorus have been sung on numerous occasions. Vesper Hymns by Mr. S. Sigurdson and Frank Thorolfson have been a joy and inspiration. Mr. Paul Bardal, choirmaster for a number of years at First Lutheran Church, said at the conclusion of a song service—“The people of the Lutheran faith have in their sacred music a priceless heritage, sprung from the religious life of people of many cen- turies. Our hymn book contains a wealth of beautiful music and verse, composed or worked over by the greatest poets and musi- cians of many diíferent periods. To us the use and preservation of this music should be a joy and inspiration”. The Christian Church will continue to spread the Gospel according to the teachings of Jesus Christ through the earnestness of all those who participate in the worship of Almighty God in reverence and adoration.



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