Árdís - 01.01.1963, Page 28
Each of Paul’s Epistles may be thought of as a correspondence
course on religious and moral questions, a course preparing his
distant congregations for responsibility in the church and in the
community, as worshippers of God in the name of Christ Jesus,
and as a course preparing individuals for righteous living, as
faithful wives, husbands, parents. In Ephesians, VI: 1-3, Paul ad-
monishes the children:
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord : for this is right.
“Honour thy father and mother; which is the first command-
ment with promise;
“That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on
the earth.”
In this admonition, Paul expresses his faith in the parents who
have been instructed in Christian principles, faith in their ability
to govem and train their children accordingly.
Throughout the ages there have been good parents and poor
parents, the latter being a contributing factor in juvenile delin-
quency, which is a grave problem in our times. The heart of the
problem lies in the example set by parents to their children. The
force of good example has a very effective, restraining influence
on young people, it is a positive current which carries the young
trainees along. The force of bad example is a negative current
which pulls the weak ones downhill, unless they can re-channel
their way of life. “Do not smoke, do not drink, do not etc. etc.”,
cannot be an effective commandment when given by parents who
do these things themselves.
Women can be extremely influential in society, for better or
for worse. Believing in equality with men, many of them feel justi-
fied when indulging in the more masculine habits, such as smoking
and drinking. Perhaps they are justified, but they have set off an
avalanche, in which many have been incapacitated and some have
perished, as chainsmokers, alcoholics and victims of evil-doers.
They not only have destroyed themselves, but have left their homes
in ruins and their youngsters on the road to delinquency. The
moderate smokers and drinkers do not necessarily come to a tragic
end, but they set an example to others, young and old.