Árdís - 01.01.1963, Síða 72

Árdís - 01.01.1963, Síða 72
70 ÁRDÍ S largely dispelled. With God’s help, we can go forward together, as the L.C.A., stronger, more powerful, and more able to carry out the command of our Lord, “Go ye therefore and teach all nations.” Matt. 28 : 19. In this time of strife and dissention everywhere in the world, even in our own country, it is of utmost importance to unite as the Church of God and to stand fast against the forces of indif- ference, doubt and evil. Our prayer is, that we may be permitted to do our part in upholding that which is good, honorable and true in the sight of God. Though it is a relatively short time since the last convention, we have experienced loss of some of our valued members. To them we tender our thanks, and extend sympathy to their loved ones. Some of our members are absent due to illness, age or infirmity. To these we send greetings and wish them improved health and assure them that they are indeed missed. Two Executive meetings have been held. We are glad to report that attendance at these meetings has improved over last year. We thank all the ladies for their interest. At this Convention the following matters will be laid before you for your consideration. 1. ARDIS: As you may remember our publication was in rather poor straits at our last meeting. We appealed to you for assistance. We are happy to report, that as of now, the prospects are much brighter. The report of the financial status which you will hear in due course, will hearten all. At the last Executive meeting April 27th, the matter of the future of Ardis was again brought to our attention. A recommendation from that meeting will be placed before you for your consideration. 2. BETEL PICNIC: For the past two years, the residents of Betel have been the guests of the L.W.L. at an outing at Sunrise Camp. This seems to have been a great success and much enjoyed. You will be asked to decide if and when this is to take place this summer. Weather co-operating the picnic can be one of the high- lights for both campers and guests.
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