

Freyr - 01.08.2003, Page 39

Freyr - 01.08.2003, Page 39
til um. Kannski má líka herma orð hagfræðingsins um úrvinnsluiðn- að í héraði, sérmerkingar afúrða og hið ópersónulega ehf. upp á al- menna afúrðameðferð í íslenskum landbúnaði. Heimildir Amatya G, Chang S.X., Beare M H, Mead D J: Soil properties under a Pinus radiata - ryegrass silvopastoral system in New Zealand. Part I. Soil N and moisture availability, soil C and tree growth og Part II. C and N of so- il microbial biomass and soil N dyn- amics. Agroforestry Systems 54, 137- 147 og 149-160, 2002. Anna Margrét Jónsdóttir, Fanney Ólöf Lárusdóttir, María Svanþrúður Jónsdóttir, Þröstur Aðalbjamarson, 2002. Framleiðslukerfí í sauðfjárrækt. Ráðunautafúndur 2002. bls. 210 - 220 Ashton Mark S og Montagnini Florencia, ritstjórar: The Silvicultural Basis for Agroforestry Systems.CRC Press LLC, Washington, 2000. B. Faye, F. Lescourret, N. Dorr, E.Tillard, B. MacDermott, J. McDer- mott, 1997. Interrelationships between herd management practice and udder health status using canonical corres- pondence analysis. Preventive Veterin- ary Medicine 1997. 32: Pages 171-192. Balandier P : Growth of widely spaced trees. A case study ffom young agroforestry plantations in France. Ag- roforestry Systems 43, 151-167, 1998. Bendfeldt E.S, Feldhake C.M og Burger J.A: Establishing trees in an Appalachian silvopasture: response to shelters, grass control, mulch and fer- tilization. Agroforestry Systems 53, 291-295,2001. Bergez, J.E, Dalziel A.J.I, Duller C, Eason W.R., Hoppe G, og Lavender R.H.:Light modification in a develop- ing silvopastoral system in the UK: a quntitative analysis. Agroforestry Systems 37: 227-240, 1997. Brynjar Skúlason: Sambýli skógrækt- ar og sauðíjárræktar. Freyr 31, 1996 Clason T.R: Silvopastoral practices sustain timber and forage production in commercial loololly pine plantanti- ons of northwest Louisiana, USA. Agroforestry systems 44, 293-303, 1998-1999 Etienne M og Rapey H : Simulating integration of agroforestry into livestock farmers’ projects in France. Agrofores- try systems 43, 257-273, 1998 Feldhake C.M: Microclimate of natural pasture under planted Robinia pseudoacacia in central Appalachia, West Virginia. Agroforestry Systems 53, 297-303, 2001 Grado S C, Hovermale C.H og st Louis D.G: A financial analysis of a silvopastural system in southern Missisippi. Agroforestry systems 53, 313-322, 2001 Hall D O: Biomass energy in ind- usrialised countries. A view of the fút- ure. Forest Ecology and Mangement 91 17-45, 1997 Haukur Ragnarsson, 1990. Skjól- belti. í: Skógræktarbókin, bls 227 - 237. Skógræktarfélag íslands, Reykjavík. Klemenz Kr. Kristjánsson, 1976. Áhrif skógarskjóls á kornþunga. Skógræktarritið 1976, bls. 23-26. Mafongoya P L: Decomposition and nitrogen release pattems of tree prunings and litter. Agroforestry Syst- ems, 38 77-97, 1998. Opio C, Jacob N og Khasa D: factors effecting a sheep management system in British Columbia, Canada. Agrofor- estry Systems, 53 305-312,2001. Framhald á bls. 12 Ný símanúmer hjá Vesturlandsskógum Vesturlandsskógar hafa fengið ný símanúmer, þau náðu ekki að birtast í símaskránni 2003. Sigvaldi Ásgeirsson, framkvstj. Netfang: Sími 433 7052 Farsími 898 2190 Sigurður Freyr Guðbrandsson Netfang: 433 7053 898 2187 Guðmundur Sigurðsson 433 7054 Netfang: 862 6361 Fax Vesturlandsskóga 433 7055 Vesturlandsskógar Hvanneyrargötu 3 Hvanneyri 311 Borgarnesi Freyr 6/2003 - 39 |



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