Heimilisritið - 01.09.1957, Blaðsíða 13

Heimilisritið - 01.09.1957, Blaðsíða 13
Danslagatextar J. TEACH YOU TO ROCK Hallo everybody, — I mean everybody, — we are going to teach you to rock, we are going to teach you to rock. Come on and rock witli us, we are going to teach you to rock, we are going to teach you to rock, we are going to teach you to rock. Come on and rock with us. If you can not .swing it of the way cause we don’t want no squares. Once you have learned and get in groove you jump around and you have no cares. We are going to teach you to rock, we are going to teach you to rock, we are going to teach you to rock, we are going to teach you to rock. Come on and rock with us. I say 123456789 10 rock, rock. We are going to teach you to rock, Come on and rock with us. JAMAICA FAREWELL (Snngið af Harry Belafonte) Down the way when the nights are gay and tlie sun shines daily on the mountain top. I took a trip on a sailing ship and when I reached Jamaica I made a stop. But I’m sad to say, I’m on my way won’t be back for many a day. My heart is down, my head is turnin’ around, I had to leave a litle girl in Kingston town. Sounds of laughter everywhere and the dancing stvaying to and fro. I must declare my heart is there though I’ve been from Maine to Mexico. But I’m sad to say — o. s. frv. Down at the market you can hear ladies only out while on their heads they bear: Aggi-rice — salt fish — one nice and the rum is time any time a year. But I’m sad to say — o. s. frv. BANANA BOAT SONG (SungiS af Harry Belafonte) Day-o, da-o. Daylight come and me wann’a go home. Day is a day is a day is a day is a day is a day-o. Daylight come and me wann’a go home. Work allt night and drink a rum, daylight come and me wann’a go home, Stop banana till the moming come, daylight come and me wann’a go home, HEIMILISRITIÐ 11
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Ágúst - Sept. (01.09.1957)
