Læknablaðið - 01.06.1969, Blaðsíða 62
A clinical trial with Uriglox on two populations is reported, t'he
first beeing a unselected sample of hospitalized females, age 16 years
or older, the second (number of samples 459) a random sample of
the female population in the Reykjavík area, age 33—60 (number of
samples 205).
On each sample of urine a qualitative and quantitative bacterial
culture was performed, using standard methods and the results com-
pared with Uriglox.
The test was found to be very effective in detecting significant
bacteriurias caused by the most co'mmon urinary paithogens, E. coli and
proteus, le.ss effective in detecting bacteriurias caused by mixed flora
of E.coli/proteus and other types, and ineffective in detecting bacteri-
uria caused by staphylo- and/or streptococci.
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9) Scherstén, B., Fritz, H.: In print.