

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1972, Síða 63

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1972, Síða 63
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 93 with the specialist in his normal working environment. No doubt however there will in addition be increasing opportunities in future for general practitioners to work part-time in specialist units. A recent report on hospital staffing structure (Report of a Sub-Committee on Hospital Staffing Structure appointed by the Joint Consultants Committee, published as a supplement to the British Medical Journal—22 February 1969) and the re- port on the Responsibilities of the Consultant Grade (Report of a Working Party appointed by the Minister of Health and the Secretary of State for Scotland — published in 1969 by HMSO) have both strongly recommended such arrangements and the creation of an appropriate grade for the purpose. We warmly support developments along these lines but emphasise that they are in no way an alternative to the provision of beds in which general practitioners care for their own patients. There seems to us to be no reason why a general practitioner should not both work in the specialist team and also admit and care for his own patients while continuing domiciliary and health centre practice in the community. 4.(77) There are several reasons for trying to increase the opportunities for general practitioners to work in specialist teams. Most importantly, such a development will result in a better service to patients. The arrangement provides the special- ist service with the continuing support of general practitioners who work in and are familiar with the district. For general practitioners it allows them to make a contribution in a special- ty in which they have a special interest and aptitude. There seems to us to be no reason why a doctor should be committed to spend all his time in general practice and indeed many of the best practitioners have always had special interests, some- times in hospital and sometimes outside, for example in oc- cupational medicine. Eitt er það atriði, sem lítið hefur verið rætt enn þá, en það er starfsgæðaeftirlit, sem framkvæmt verður af læknum, er ekki stunda almenn læknisstörf, sbr. og grein 10, 1 í nýja frumvarpinu. Slíkt gæðaeftirlit verður aldrei virkt, nema læknasamtökin taki málið að sér, og brýn þörf er að ræða þetta sem fyrst. Slíkt eftirlit og uppgjör er einnig forsenda þess, að unnt verði að gera þær breytingar á þjón- ustunni, sem breyttir tímar kalla stöðugt á. STARFSAÐSTAÐA a) áhöld og tæki. Stjórn L.í. hefur skipað nefnd, sem vinnur að því að taka saman lista yfir áhöld og tæki, er teljast nauðsynleg í einmenningshéraði, og er gert ráð fyrir, að listinn fullbúinn verði sendur heilbrigðis- og tryggingaráðuneytinu sem lágmarkskrafa Læknafélags Islands um þessi atriði.
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