

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1977, Síða 10

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1977, Síða 10
D. Donald ............................ 175 Einar Oddsson .................... 176, 178 Eysteinn Pétursson .................... 179 Guðmundur I. Eyjólfsson ............... 182 Guðmundur M. Jóhannesson .............. 176 Guðmundur Oddsson ..................... 181 R. Hall .............................. 175 Halldór Steinsen ...................... 181 Haraldur Briem ........................ 178 A. J. Hedley .......................... 175 Helgi Þ. Valdimarsson ................. 180 Hartmut Henning ....................... 179 Ingvar Teitsson ....................... 181 Jón Þorsteinsson ............. 181, 182, 182 Kári Sigurbergsson ........... 181, 182, 182 E. Krag............................... 176 Kristján Jónasson ..................... 178 Matthías Kjeld ........................ 175 W. Michie ............................. 175 Nikulás Sigfússon ................ 178, 179 Oddur Bjarnason ....................... 178 Ólafur Grímur Björnsson ...... 176, 179, 180 Ólafur Gunnlaugsson ................... 178 Ólafur Jensson ........................ 180 Páll Ásmundsson ....................... 182 J. Rask-Madsen ........................ 176 P. Riis ............................... 178 S. Sherlock .......................... 176 Sigrún Helgadóttir .................... 176 Sigurður Guðmundsson .................. 180 Sigurður Þ. Guðmundsson .......... 175, 175 Snorri Ólafsson ....................... 180 Tómas Á. Jónasson ..................... 178 J. K. Wales............................ 175 H.R. Wulff ............................ 178 M. Wulff............................... 178 Þorgeir Þorgeirsson ................... 178 Þorvaldur Veigar Guðmundsson .......... 178 Þórður Harðarson ...................... 179 Þórir Helgason ........................ 178 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ THE ICELANDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL English Index 1977 Læknablaðið — The Icelandic Medical Journal — is publislhed jointly by The Icelandic Medical Association and The Medical Association of Reykjavík. At least six numbered issues constitute a yearly volume. Original articles are as a rule summariz- ed in English. An annual index of summar- ized articles is provided for the informa- tion of foreign readers. Reprints are obtain- able from LÆKNABLAÐIÐ, Domus Medica, Reykjavík. Original articles may be provided i»n translation for a resonable fee. Vol. 63, 1977. pp. 3-19: Jónasson, J.L.: Hepatitis B antigen in Iceland. A review. Summary in English. pp. 25-39: Arnórsson, V.H., Kristófers- son, K.: Spondylitis non- specifica in children. Presen- tation of seven cases and re- view of the literature. Sum- mary in English. Jónsdóttir, G.: Suicide in Ice- land 1962—1973. A study of 261 cases and a review of the literature. Summary in Eng- lish. Ólafsson, Ó., Grímsson, A.: The consumption of anorexics and psychostimulants in Ice- land. Summary in English._ Grímsson, A., Ólafsson, Ó.: Surveys on drug prescriptions in Reykjavík during Novem- ber 1972 and November 1974. Summary in English. Johnsen, S.G., Ólafsdóttir, A. M., Ólafsson, Ó., Jónsson, S., Grímsson, A.: Survey on drug taking habits of 116 persons. Summary in English. Ólafsson, Ó., Grímsson A: Sale of psyChotropic drugs in four of the five Nordic Count- ries 1971—1975. Summary in English. Ólafsdóttir, E., Árnason, A.: Frequency of „atypical“ dholinesterase in Iceland. Summary in Englis»h. Richter, S.: Report on hu- mans bitten by bird fleas, rat fleas and rat mites in Iceland. Summary in English. pp. 127-134: Björnsson, S., Stefánsson, Th.: Silent gallstones. 127 cases are reported. Summary in English. pp. 135-144: Grímsson. Ó.: The Incidence of delirium tremens in Ice- land 1907—1974. Summary in English. 145-150: Clinical study of anesthesia with enflurane. 50 patients. Summary in English. pp. 47-63: pp. 65-68: pp. 69-72: pp. 75-77: pp. 78-79: pp. 95-98: pp. 107-110: pp.
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