

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1977, Page 11

Læknablaðið - 01.02.1977, Page 11
PP- 151-158: Gunnlaugsson, G.H.: The first three cases of coarctation of the aorta operated in Iceland. Summary in English. PP- 159-162: Hallgrímsson, J.G.: Iatrogen pneumothorax in Icelandic hospitals 1950—1974. 16 cases. Summary in English. PP- 167-174: Ólafsson, Ó., Haraldsson, E. , Th., Stefánsson, J.G., Jónas- son, T.Á.: Teaching in Medi- cal Practice at t'he Medical Faculty of the University of Iceland. Part I: Teaching of General Practice. Report of a Committee. Summary in Eng- lish. PP- 185-188: Histolog stimulation and gas- tric acid analysis at the City Hospital of Reykjavík. 265 patients. Summary in English. PP- 189-195: Eyjólfsson, G.I., Ólason, M., Björnsson, S.: Subacute Thyroiditis in Iceland. Three case reports and review of hospital records in Reykjavík 1967—1976. Summary in Eng- lish. PP. 199-202: Alfreðsson, J.H.: Review of 371 laparoscopies in the National Hospital of Iceland 1971—1974. Summary in Eng- lish. PP- 203-207: Einarsson, G.V., Björnsson, V., Ingólfsson, Á.: Legal sterilizations through laparo- scope at the Akranes Hospital 1973—1976. 261 operations. Summary in English. PP- 208-215: The organization and develop- ment of health care in Nor- way. An interview with Thorbjörn Mork, Director General, Directorate of Health, Oslo. In Norwegian. PP- 217-223: Ragnarsson, Á.T., Guðbrands- son B.: Acute epididymitis and torsio of the testis in children. A case report. Sum- mary in English. P- 237-243: Magnússon, G.T.: A survey of childhood psychoses in Iceland. Children born 1964- 1973. Summary in English. pp. 245-248: Stephensen, Ó.: Poisonings due to tricyclic antidepres- sants in children. Summary in English. pp. 249-251: Ásmundsson, P., Árnason, A.: HLA-typing for renal trans- plants in Iceland. Summary in English. pp. 253-265: Gunnlaugsson, G.H.: Thoracic surgery. A review of personal experience. 130 operations. Summary in English. pp. 266-271: Riis, P.: The health personnel and the dying patient. Danish text. pp. 279-284: Sveinbjörnsson, A., Guð- brandsson, Þ., Ólafsson, Th.: Respiratory treatment of the newborn 1972—1974 at the Vanersborg Central Hospital, Sweden. Summary in English. SUPPLEMENT No 1: MEDICAL ETHICS (September 1977). FYLGIRIT 1 (September 1977): Siðamól lækna. Efni: Endurskoðun á siðareglum lækna: Tómas Á. Jónasson . . ........I-IV Læknaeiðurinn (Hippokrates) ........... 2 Genfanheit lækna....................... 4 Alþjóðasiðareglur lækna................ 5 International Code of Medical Ethics. 7 Declaration of Geneva.................. 8 Codex ethicus — Siðareglur lækna . . 8 Declaration of Sidney................. 14 Declaration of Oslo................. . 15 Declaration of Helsinki............... 16 Declaration of Tokyo ................. 19 Recommendations on the rights of the sick and dying — Council of Europe 20 Declaration of Hawaii — Draft 1977 . 23 Principles of Medical Ethics (AMA) . . 25 Ethical Code of the Commonwealth Medical Association ................27 Medical Ethics (BMA) ................. 28 Etiske regler for læger (Dadl) ....... 29
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