

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1989, Qupperneq 32

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1989, Qupperneq 32
356 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ polit., Guðmundur Sverrisson læknir, Helgi Kristbjamarson dr. med. og Kristín Þórsdóttir B.S. aðstoðuðu við úrvinnslu gagna og leiðréttingar. SUMMARY Who prescribe psychotropic drugs to outpatients? Survey of prescriptions in Reykjavik, March 1984. The distribution of doctors prescribing psychotropic drugs during one month in 1984 is analysed according to speciality and age, which drugs they prescibed, to whom, how and in what dosage. Psychiatrists issued only 17% of the prescriptions to 12.3% of the patients. General practitioners issued 55% of the prescriptions to 62.5% of the patients. Slightly more than 85% of the prescriptions were for tranquillizers and hypnotics. However, only 60% of the psychiatrists’ prescriptions were for such drugs. Almost one half of the prescriptions included other drugs along with the psychotropics. General practitioners issued about 55% of their prescriptions by telephone, while psychiatrists issued only 15% of their prescriptions in that manner. The psychiatrists treated relatively younger people. They advised their patients to take the drugs on an average in larger dosages than other doctors. All other doctors advised their patients to take on an average less than one defined daily dosis per day. The oldest doctors issued more prescriptions than the younger ones for greater amount of drugs each, but the prescribed dosis did not vary according to age. It would probably be possible to reduce the consumption of tranquillizers if other doctors did not issue more prescriptions than the psychiatrists by telephone. HEIMILDIR 1. Bergström K, Westerholm B. Utköp av sedativa, hypnotika och ataraktika i Östersunds-omrádet. Lakartidningen 1972; 69:1366-70. 2. Agenás I, Jacobsson M. Psykiska stömingar och psykofarmaka - exempel. Sven Farm Tidskr 1980; 84:328-33. 3. Bjömdal A. Gagn eller ugagn? Forbmk av psykofarmaka i Norge. Oslo: Gmppe for helsetjenesteforskning: Rapport nr. 4 1983. 4. Lader M, Pétursson H. Rational Use of Anxiolytic / Sedative Dmgs. Dmgs 1983; 25: 514-28. 5. Sigfússon S. Hlutur geðsjúkra f heilbrigðisþjónustu annarri en geðlæknisþjónustu. Læknablaðið 1981; 67: 50-64. 6. Williams P, Gabe J. Tranquillizer Use: Epidemiological and Sociological Aspects. f Williams P, Wilkinson G, (eds.): The Scope of Epidemiological Psychiatry. London: Routledge, 1989: 328-42. 7. Hemminki E. Consumption of psychotropic dmgs. I Bmun K, (ed.): Controlling Psychotropic Dmgs. The Nordic Experience. London: Croom Helm, 1983: 92- 106. 8. Rapport '88: Alkohol og narkotika utveklingen i Sverige. Stockholm: CAN 1988. 9. Allgulander C. History and current status of sedative- hypnotic dmg use and abuse. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1986; 73: 465-78. 10. Hesbacher P, Rickels K, Rial WY et al. Psychotropic Dmg Prescription in Family Practice. Compr Psychiatry 1976; 17: 607-15. 11. Williams P. Physical ill-health and psychotropic dmg prescription - a review. Psychol Med 1978; 8: 683- 93. 12. Williams P, Murray J, Clare A. A longitudinal study of psychotropic dmg prescription. Psychol Med 1982; 12:201-6. 13. Rodrigo EK, King MB, Williams P. Health of long term benzodiazepine users. Br Med J 1988; 296: 603- 6. 14. Uhlenhuth EH, Balter MB, Lipman RS. Minor Tranquilizers; Clinical Correlates of Use in an Urban Population. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1978; 35: 650-5. 15. Mellinger GD, Balter MB, Manheimer DI, et al. Psychic Distress, Life Crisis, and Use of Psychotherapeutic Medications. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1978; 35: 1045-52. 16. Helgason T, Bjömsson J. Geðlyfjaávísanir utan sjúkrahúsa í Reykjavík í mars 1984. Læknablaðið 1989; 75: 293-302. 17. Norusis MJ. SPSS/PC + V2.0 Base Manual SPSS Inc. Chicago 1988; B 165-75, C 17-21. 18. Nordiska lakemedelsnámnden. Nordisk lákemedelsstatistik 1981-1983. Uppsala: NLN Publikation nr. 14, 1986. 19. Hollister LE, Motzenbecker FP, Degan RU. Withdrawal reactions from chlordiazepoxide (»Librium«). Psychopharmacologia 1961; 2:63-8. 20. Covi L, Lipman RS, Pattison JH, et al. Length of Treatment with Anxiolytic Sedatives and Response to Their Sudden Withdrawal. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1973; 49: 51-64. 21. Pétursson H, Lader MH. Benzodiazepine dependence. Br J Addict 1981; 76: 133-45. 22. Lader M. Long-term benzodiazepine use and psychological functioning. I Freedman H, Rue Y (eds.): The benzodiazepines in current clinical practice. London: Royal Society of Medicine 1987, 55-69. 23. Golombok S, Moodley P, Lader M. Cognitive impairment in long-term benzodiazepine users. Psychol Med 1988; 18: 365-74. 24. Lingjærde O. Psychopharmaca. Oslo: Tanum, 1988. 25. Blackwell B. Side effects of antidepressant dmgs. I Hales RE, Frances AJ, (eds.): Annual Review 1987; 6: 724-45. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press. 26. Tyrer P. Benefits and risks of benzodiazepines. I Freeman H, Rue Y (eds.): The benzodiazepines in current clinical practice. London: Royal Society of Medicine, 1987:3-11. 27. Woods JH, Katz JL, Winger G. Use and Abuse of Benzodiazepines. JAMA 1988; 260: 3476-80. 28. Mellinger GD, Balter MB, Uhlenhuth EH. Prevalence and Correlates of the Long-term Regular Use of Anxiolytics. JAMA 1984; 251: 375-9.
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